Wednesday, May 21, 2014


It was Saturday, the first Saturday in November a special Saturday because it was Danny’s birthday, she had been flipping excited about this particular one, because it was going to be small on just a few friends, cakes, ice cream, food, games and cartoons, she had looked forward to this one in particular and now it was here. By 10am friends started to arrive, the fun started her older brothers decided to go out for a while with plans to return just before we were going to cut Danny’s cake, she pleaded with them to stay but they needed to go so they left, while the kids were watching cartoon in the living room moms moved to the kitchen for some lady chat time and all when it suddenly started raining, it started gradually increasing every passing minute, before we knew what was happening there was noise of something falling it was then the magnitude of the rain became obvious, the kids started to scream moms hurried out to move them all to the basement of the house the noise came closer and everyone rushed into the basement all the kids were scared and screaming, Danny looked around and figured that two of her bests friends from Sunday school class were not in the basement, while moms tried to calm the other scared children she hurried to get Annabel and Sharon, barely two minutes after she left the final crack was heard, there was silence and it dawned n everybody that the house had collapsed, Danny’s mom looked around and there was no Danny, she looked again because she knew she’d come down with Danny, the other two girls were discovered to be absent also. Hours later the local authority in charge of emergencies came to the site and found Danny’s body as well as Annabel and Sharon’s, it just didn’t make any sense that Danny should die, she was the littlest most loving child ever lived, it was evident even in the way she died, she loved and was willing to risk her life for others out of love, we needed her alive, she was the joy of the entire family. As I sat in the emergency room awaiting her death certificate I found myself humming the tune of one of my favorite songs from when I was a child “Jesus loves me” but was particularly loved by a six year old, who would never walk into my room and have me pick and help her put on her ribbon before church Daniela Williams our very own Danny.
Have you ever gotten to a point in your life when it seems God doesn’t make any sense, I mean no sense at all,  sometimes I wonder why there are tornadoes, who would God let people who love him die even before they get a chance at life, why does bad things happen to the good. Why are the evil people still living they are deserving of death obviously, I mean it doesn’t all make sense. I read the story of a woman who loved God beyond all else and lost her two only kids in a day to a tornado and even in the bed could still claim and profess her love for him.
Yes, there is pain.

Yes, there will be healing.

Yes, there will be freedom.

But yes… there will be pain.
   Truth is people die, things change, things would not always be perfect, things wont always be good neither would they always be bad, we wont understand we cant even explain. But the fact that things are not good now doesn’t mean it would always be bad. It may not all make sense to us for now, but there is glory in the end. When things don’t make sense God always makes sense and no matter how they seem, know that God is always King and would always be in control even when it doesn’t seem to make sense know that we serve a King who will be with us every step of the way.

Xoxo Busayo

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