Wednesday, May 21, 2014


It was Saturday, the first Saturday in November a special Saturday because it was Danny’s birthday, she had been flipping excited about this particular one, because it was going to be small on just a few friends, cakes, ice cream, food, games and cartoons, she had looked forward to this one in particular and now it was here. By 10am friends started to arrive, the fun started her older brothers decided to go out for a while with plans to return just before we were going to cut Danny’s cake, she pleaded with them to stay but they needed to go so they left, while the kids were watching cartoon in the living room moms moved to the kitchen for some lady chat time and all when it suddenly started raining, it started gradually increasing every passing minute, before we knew what was happening there was noise of something falling it was then the magnitude of the rain became obvious, the kids started to scream moms hurried out to move them all to the basement of the house the noise came closer and everyone rushed into the basement all the kids were scared and screaming, Danny looked around and figured that two of her bests friends from Sunday school class were not in the basement, while moms tried to calm the other scared children she hurried to get Annabel and Sharon, barely two minutes after she left the final crack was heard, there was silence and it dawned n everybody that the house had collapsed, Danny’s mom looked around and there was no Danny, she looked again because she knew she’d come down with Danny, the other two girls were discovered to be absent also. Hours later the local authority in charge of emergencies came to the site and found Danny’s body as well as Annabel and Sharon’s, it just didn’t make any sense that Danny should die, she was the littlest most loving child ever lived, it was evident even in the way she died, she loved and was willing to risk her life for others out of love, we needed her alive, she was the joy of the entire family. As I sat in the emergency room awaiting her death certificate I found myself humming the tune of one of my favorite songs from when I was a child “Jesus loves me” but was particularly loved by a six year old, who would never walk into my room and have me pick and help her put on her ribbon before church Daniela Williams our very own Danny.
Have you ever gotten to a point in your life when it seems God doesn’t make any sense, I mean no sense at all,  sometimes I wonder why there are tornadoes, who would God let people who love him die even before they get a chance at life, why does bad things happen to the good. Why are the evil people still living they are deserving of death obviously, I mean it doesn’t all make sense. I read the story of a woman who loved God beyond all else and lost her two only kids in a day to a tornado and even in the bed could still claim and profess her love for him.
Yes, there is pain.

Yes, there will be healing.

Yes, there will be freedom.

But yes… there will be pain.
   Truth is people die, things change, things would not always be perfect, things wont always be good neither would they always be bad, we wont understand we cant even explain. But the fact that things are not good now doesn’t mean it would always be bad. It may not all make sense to us for now, but there is glory in the end. When things don’t make sense God always makes sense and no matter how they seem, know that God is always King and would always be in control even when it doesn’t seem to make sense know that we serve a King who will be with us every step of the way.

Xoxo Busayo


Hello people trust you all are doing well, when I started this blog, I wasn’t sure what it was going to be about, I had in mind to just write random stuff about me and how sad life can be, I didn’t see it as something I’d have to write about Christ and all, sadly every attempt at writing randomly always ended up in disaster, I did try a few times but trust me it didn’t last long, after the few successful random write ups, every other time I tried to write randomly it ended in disaster, I’ve tried severally but it always ended up sleeping on the post and never finishing it. I realized that this is beyond just another random blog where people post stuff and advertise celebrities and the rest, it’s more of a ministry, it’s me using the gift God has given me to reach out to others with his love, and whether or not I’m told every time I write stuff about him, lessons are learnt, people are blessed and the kingdom expands and that in itself is a blessing.
   Last night I was reading the book of Ezra, in chapter 3 and verse 12, something struck me, the children of Israel were crying for joy because of the foundation of the new temple that had been laid while those who had seen the glory of the former one built by Solomon cried in sadness. Something came to my spirit in that moment, how we celebrate mediocre things in our lives. I got a picture of how a lot of us are celebrating little things in our lives when up in heaven God is weeping for us, how we are convenient with the little anointing in our lives and feel like we are prophets already when God has got more for us and is sad because we can’t see the glory. When I read through a commentary to understand better it brought something else to my heart; the issue of sin, it was sin that led to the destruction of the first temple, and now people who were to be rejoicing at the expansion of the previous temple were now rejoicing at the foundation laying of a less greater temple. If anything else we need run as far as we can from sin. Sin is the one thing that can sink a royal person to mediocre, and one shouting for joy while others look on and cry in pity for them. Now I’m not saying we should be unthankful for little beginnings, a lot of times after our sins it’s even more than we deserve, we ought to remain thankful.

Xoxo Busayo

Monday, May 19, 2014


Don’t you just want to hit those who never say thank you, aren’t you just mad at yourself for helping them once in a while for me its painful, I mean have you ever helped some "thick"(if i may say) Yoruba women do something i mean anything at all could be lifting a chair for them going on a really simple errand for them? You'll realize that for the next 3 to 4 days they'll keep saying to you "thank you for the other day" yes i know it could be embarrassing at times truth is deep down u feel a sense of....i really don't know what to call it but there is this sense of being useful and appreciated,. On the other hand are those who act like your being nice to them is their right and your obligation hence they can't even say a simple thank you, i don't know about you but I’d love to punch them in the face and not say sorry, I’d love for them to sneeze so i can keep my "bless you" to myself. Don't misquote me i don't eat nor feed fat on "thank you" but honestly it’s just simple curtsey. However we do worse to God we always forget to thank him for the smallest of things, we can’t thank him for oxygen, we can’t thank him for going out and not falling down, we can’t thank him for healing us because it’s our right and I mean we’re not supposed to  but because he was lazy we fell ill ryt? We are quick to accuse him for the smallest of things that go wrong (things we possibly didn't tell him about when we started doing them). Today i decide to be thankful; i'm thankful Lord for all you've done in my life. I thank you Lord for family, i thank you Lord for friends, I'm thankful for I’m in school(though i always complain 'bout my school a lot of people won't mind bhu but dey can't be there) I'm overly thankful for the times I’ve been afflicted how would I have known you as my healer, my defender, my peace and the strength and joy of my life, I'm thankful 4 pst Matthew and all my other pastors, I’m thankful for Josh, Jud, and Blessing, Remi and all the others, I’m thankful for the lessons learnt, how would I have ever known that that breathing through the nose is a miracle, I’ve learnt that smell is a gift, I’ve learnt that six hours sleep is beautiful, i thank you for the smallest of things like my hair, my eyes are beautifully big and i love them i wouldn't even ask 4 a smaller one, I’m thankful for what we have now it well past church, I’m thankful that you are God, and more than anything I'm thankful you are not a man....

Sunday, May 18, 2014


A few weeks ago I logged on to twitter the first post I saw had a #bringbackourgirls I’ll tell you something, when I saw that tweet the last thing on my mind was the chibok girls kidnap as a matter of fact I didn’t even know about it until that tweet, something else came into my mind, my spirit ministered something else to me, I had wanted to write on it however I decided to put it on hold until the chibok girls had been found, however last night I saw a tweet from pastor praise fowowe

It expressed my my heart cry in an accurate manner, the bring back our girls goes well beyond the chibok girls, it goes deeper, you need to see deeper to understand its depth, it’s a cry for our girls to be returned, we’ve lost a lot of our girls to senseless rapes, abuse and molestations, funny thing is we do not know we have. A lot of girls sit at home today and their parents are sure they are safe, while their hearts, sanity, growth, freedom, peace, purity,virginity have been abducted by trusted individuals, strangers who had no respect for them. The bring back our girls is a clarion call campgain to return our girls, our girls who run barefoot with teddy bears, our girls who are sure of who they are, our girls who arrent trapped, our girls restored. We want our little girls running barefoot with teddies whos biggest problems are the colours of crayon tu use in completing their pictures. We need our girls bac we nee to realse tha broken girls make bent ladies, if we do not recover our girls it would tell on us soonest. When we’ll have a thousand dysfunctional single moms, drug taking moms. We’ll see it all. This is my clarion call today to everyone to join hand in bringing back our girls, and protecting the ones who’ve not been abducted. In your church wherever you find yourself put in your own little effort. Help abused little kids, help the hurting ones. Help them to heal. Teact them to trust again, hold them don’t give up on them, they may be slow, it would take a while, don’t give up on them slowly and steadily. One step at a time, but each step will be a miracle. I’m contributing my own with my blog and in every way I can I hope you do the same.

Xoxo Busayo

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I’m practically more sick than any other person I know, I mean even sicklers feel pity for my condition, I’ve struggled with sinusitis and asthma as well as some other in explainable complications, and really I used to feel so sorry for myself, I hated my condition and soon I started to hate myself. I looked at me as just a big fat sick mess, honestly it was so sad, a few weeks ago I was booked for what would have been my  6th surgery I asked God for a miracle but it seemed like he didn’t hear me according to my plan I wasn’t supposed to go to the hospital or even see a doctor I was just supposed to pray and maybe sleep and wake up and all would be over sadly I had to see a doctor get a CT scan done and even get booked for surgery, the miracle came right after a devastating result of the CT scan, and suddenly all the symptoms began to go of their own accord. Until a week ago I never understood the essence of all the suffering, last week I got talking with a friend of mine and as we were talking she told me of a friend of hers who was suffering from sinusitis and had been struggling with discouragement and inferiority because of her sick condition, she had even left school and was now attending classes from her home because of her “DIFFERENCE” from other people in her school and that people made fun of her in school, while we talked about her I felt it strongly in my spirit that she was one of the reasons God had me pass through all I did, I asked for her number, I spoke to her a day after and by the time I was done talking to her, it was clear she had hope, fresh hope in her spirits, I mean she’d not gone through all I’d gone through and hearing me talk and even stay in school was enough to encourage and challenge her, to not only go back to school but to hold on to Jesus.
Why am I sharing this story? I read 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, on Sunday evening and it brought a whole new perspective and understanding of suffering in Christ to me, it brought me to understand that when I suffered it was that I might receive the comfort of the holy spirit and Jesus and that when I have now suffered awhile Jesus would bring me out and help me pass on the comfort I’ve gotten from Christ to all who need the around me later on. So my dear friends while you may be going through suffering its for the glory ahead, it’s a privilege to share in the cross of Christ, that you may also share in the glory ahead, you suffering in Christ is to make you a light to others and inspiration and a source of hope to a thousand more who would yet go through all you’ve been through, we can’t skip the cross to glory, but there would always be the comforter to take you through it all. Trust him
Have a pleasant week ahead.

Xoxo Busayo

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I’ve had my own share of struggle with sin and when I came to know Christ I didn’t really understand the concept of his grace (as a matter of fact I’m still learning more about it), but I was far from where I am now, I used to think I had to prove my love to him in order for him to love me, and the only way I could prove it was to live right on my own. In the long run I’ve realized something he doesn’t expect us to attain perfection by ourselves, in fact I think  that’s why he tells us to be perfect so we’ll be dependent on him, we can’t do anything on our own its vain to think we can stand on our own. We’ll make decisions   and do things to be perfect, thinking we’re in control, but we never really are. God is. Its arrogance and pride to think we rule our lives and we can do it on our own. It’s an illusion. We’re never able to orchestrate a thing. It God who does it all and he’s the only one who can help us to stand.
     When I had struggles I’ve had to skip church under the pretext of on ailment or the other because I’d fallen into sin and sorta I wasn’t qualified to enter a church building or for that matter pray to him until I had stayed clean for maybe two to three weeks, but what I’ve realized is when I’ve sinned his love for me doesn’t reduce one bit, yes he’s disappointed but his love never changes, he loves me not based on my performance in the last week, when he says he’s blotted out my sins and he’d remember them no more he meant lets realize he’s not some girl in your class or office who’ll remind you years later its over, he loves me based on the performance of his son at Calvary. Do not let the cross be a waste over you, if could do it based on our performance then what’s the point of Calvary, and if Calvary was because we couldn’t do it ourselves, we owed the debt too large to be paid by our performance Calvary paid it embrace Calvary. Okay so I’m not asking you to sin on purpose, or saying its okay to sin all I’m saying is if and when you fall you needn’t sit back to  sulk or hurt you, how about you come to the big man in your brokenness and let him fix it all. God doesn’t judge you based on what you do but based on what Christ had done for you on calvary, hold on to this truth and embrace him.
  Today your only task is to embrace Gods love take his hand and let him lead and depend on his grace to move on the road may be rough and it may seem though. His grace is always sufficient. Don’t look at what you’ve done consider Calvary.
Xoxo Busayo


I recently met this twenty one years old lady, really pretty, sweet, God loving and if you’ll ask me very mature, and we got talking and she told me she’d never been in a relationship and I wondered why and she helped me understand that it wasn’t about the age or anything but the concept of being in a relationship required maturity and more than just age. Age is just a number and should never be your basis for entering a relationship. Oh I remember in primary school how we’d say we’d be married by the time we’re twenty one and by twenty two we’ll start having, I guess we didn’t realize that twenty one wasn’t really far away. But it was a dream of an immature mind why don’t we drop it now we’re older, your tall fair rich and handsome list why don’t you drop it and look out for qualities other than the whole childish list, not necessarily settling for less but growing to the point of letting Jesus choose for you.
   When I ask ready or not I mean are you emotionally ready? Relationship is not for people who do not have control over their emotions, its not for boys and girls its for ladies and gentlemen, its not for people whose emotions are a mess who don’t even understand themselves I mean you don’t even understand you and you’re trying to bring someone else into your life seriously? Don’t you think that’s a little complicated. We need to build ourselves emotionally; you need to learn how to express how you really feel.
  Are you financially ready? Wait guys before you punch me in the face, we need to understand that embracing someone else would cost you something, its not about the preson being demanding its just supposed to, for instance you both cant have lunch and she’ll pay her own bills except if she offers to, and even if she offers to insist. You might not know but a few things you’d do would determine how far the relationship would go no one can cope with a guy who is stingy.
Are you spiritually ready? Are you strong enough spiritually to embrace someone else, can you even ray for yourself before you decide to add someone else to your life? Think about all of thiese before you jump into a relationship.
Xoxo Busayo

Thursday, May 8, 2014



Hello people itws been a while, I’ve been quite busy working on a lot of things like my new blog for just females please check it out ladies, plus school and a whole lot of other stuff, today I’ll be writing on sensitivity actually spiritually sensitivity, actually I wanted to write on hospitality when I thought a little more about it I realized hospitality was inappropriate for the times we are in. I came across the story of Abraham recently, now I had been told this story since like children Sunday school however there was a different sense in it this time, yesterday evening I read about the woman shunamite woman who entertained Elisha and got a baby. In our world today God still sends angels, prophets e.t.c our way, however with the corruption our would is witnessing and in the era of book haram and all, we definitely would not be so open as to welcome every stranger into our home and even fee them that’s where the place of spiritual sensitivity and discernment comes in, we need spiritual sensitivity to know when and where our glorious destinies lie, we need sensitivity in the spirit to know where to go and where not to, without sensitivity a lot of people have walked right into their destruction or out of their good fortune. My papa used to say this “if you can sense it, you cant have it” you sensitivity to the spirit is the farthest you can go. i pray God would help every one of us to be sensitive to his spirit daily.
xoxo Busayo

Saturday, May 3, 2014


After a person has broken free from addiction one of the hardest things to do is to forgive, while forgiving others may be aa difficult part of forgiving the hardest part is forgiving the person we see in the mirro, no matter what led to the addiction or how it came about, the hardest thing to do is let go, no matter how we explain our problem and we’re encouraged to understand that its not all our fault, secretly we still blame ourselves, whenever things go wrong we hate ourselves, we assume its our fault, we take the blame for others, we take the blame for how people treat us, we feel that somehow the fact that we’ve once been addicted makes us somewhat defective. It took a while for me to realize that it wasn’t and isn’t true. The reason I felt this way is because the devil is a deceiver, the one who gives a false impression he’d have us believe every evil that has happened in our lives and everything we’ve done wrongly were entirely our faults. Its not true, if we bask in the understanding of that and understand how much glory would be revealed in us after this phase is over we’ll endure this phase of freedom with so much joy and perseverance, remember Jesus did not do anything to warrant the cross but right after the cross was resurrection and glory, there is surely glory at the end of every struggle we face in Christ.
  A few points to note here are
·         HATE YOUR SIN BUT DON’T HATE YOURSELF: you can hate the sin as a matter of fact God hates sin and as his own we need to hate sin, I mean total hatred for sin, however in the process endeavor not to hate you as well as the sin, you are not the sin the sin is not you, don’t hold on to the identity sin gives you. You are not sin God doesn’t hate you, he hates the sin.
·         ADMIT YOUR ISTAKES BUT NEVER ASSUME THAT WHEN THINGS GO WRONG ITS YOUR FAULT: admit you’re wrong whenever you go wrong but never assume that everything that goes wrong around you, somehow has something to do with you. Honestly get over yourself, you made a mistake once ehn ehn, funny thing is everyone has made their own fair share of mistakes in life just some of us have learnt to let go and if you’ll leave them the chance they’ll look down their noses on you like their life has been all good. But today let go of your mistake and begin to do things right, the past is passed look ahead.
·         DROP EVERY MENTAL BONDAGE: my papa told me this earlier today, he said to drop every mental bondage, what is mental bondage, it simply all the devil uses to hold you back, he said sin is like making a purchase from the market of darkness and picture of you is taken while you’re buying. Now even when you’ve burnt whatever it is you bought from the market of darkness he’ll bring the picture back and if you let him he’ll hold you back with the picture that was taken of you long ago. We all have pictures from our childhood, that doesn’t mean we’re still the same child we were in the picture.
·         LOVE YOURSELF: no matter how much you have or think you have failed. Forgive you and hug yourself and say I’ll do better next time and you will, be confident, you only teach others to love you by how much you love yourself, if you see yourself as a failure no matter how highly people might think of you, you’ll always seem to be a failure and won’t feel any better.
·        PILE IT ALL ON THE MASTER: 1 peter 5: says “Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you”(the message bible), put all of your burdens on Jesus express all you feel, let him know all you worries and fears, give it all to him and bask in the euphoria of the knowledge of the fact that you’re kept and have all you worries in the hand of the greatest who would not only help, but take you through it all.
Xoxo Busayo