Sunday, December 28, 2014


I have/used to have a friend, he was/is a very amazing person, he’s cares, he listens, he seems to understand it all and stuff, but what I loved about him the most was his love for Jesus, I mean if anyone has Jesus he does in overflowing measures.
  The problem is gradually I started to love the Jesus in him more than Jesus himself, if I had any struggle I was bound to run to him, if I fell into any sin I’d call or text him, if I  had a headache he would be the only one I’d tell, I would only cry when I was with him. I didn’t realize what I had started to do until God in his infinite mercy pointed out this sin to me, call it idolizing, call it worship, I’m not sure what to call it but I had gradually replaced my need for God with the presence of this my friend, I had even stopped praying to God about my problems myself, I’ll just tell him and somehow I had told God in my mind, if I sat through any service and had to imaging Jesus all I did was picture my friend, my life stopped being guided by what will jesus do it became what would my friend do. In plain terms I depended on this friend for my daily dose of Joy and peace, or like I’d say he became my oxygen. If I didn’t talk to him in a day I’d end up sad and totally depressed, his voice was my spirit lifter I felt like a burden on him I mean he had his own life, but what could I do? I had made him my all. I didn’t even have one reasonable conversation with God the entire time except for my morning devotion and trust me I spent he devotion trying to read as my friend would do, he had gradually become my perfect example. By the time all these were happening where was my need for God? In fact one day I was writing his name I wroke his first name, followed by his second name and I wrote Jesus before his surname. He had become like Jesus to me.
When God pointed out this sin to me I was in the middle of another one of my struggles, now at this point I’d love to say it’s not wrong to have someone in your life to be with you to go to battles with you, to pray with you, to give you moral support through your struggle, the problem with mine was I had him go to battle for me, I had him pray for me and I piled my struggle on him. The only one who is permitted to battle for us is Jesus and the only one we’re permitted to pile all our troubles on his Jesus. But in my case I had done that to man and that was the problem. When I was shown what I had been doing I went back to God in the middle of my trouble and I asked for his mercy and unlike other times when I’ll look to my friend or wait for him to give me a word for my season I went to God and I wept I told him how sorry I was and I purposely took out time to stay off pouring my challenges on my friend but I made another mistake tho, I decided to deal with things myself and things quickly got worse until one evening I took out time to just let God have his way and place in my life and I made peace with my friend. Now I don’t even remember to run so much to my friend in my troubles I just pour it all on God and go about my regular activities without feeling like a burden to anyone because at na him say “pile all your troubles on me” and its exactly what I’m doing. Now I’m at peace knowing I have my all in God and a friend who could give me moral support if I ever need it.

Friday, December 26, 2014


Growing up with Yoruba people is one of the most tiring, frustrating, beautiful and teaching experiences, those women are divine and made by God himself, they’ll tell you to bring broom for them and when you bring it they’ll say  you’re rude (strange ryt?) lol you’ll hear comments like “so I asked you to bring broom and you can’t even say you’ll sweep and you’re even giving me the broom” well it would end at the talking if you have a nice mother, if you have a mean mother you’ll possibly receive a slap with the and that’s how I learnt listening for implied meaning even before I was taught in English on reading for implied meaning.
Something happened when I was way younger an adult sent me to tell another adult that she was stupid loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool I’d never forget that day, I walked confidently to the other person and I’m like “aunty K, aunty T said to tell you you’re very stupid” (lobatan), I got a slap and she goes Busayo what did you say and stupidly I said it again gbam!!, and I’m like its aunty T that said to tell you that, and that’s when I learnt, its not what other people say its what you say yourself.
maybe your life is like:
My mom said I’d never be good enough
My dad thinks I’m worthless
My teachers think I’m useless
My doctors think I’d never be healthy
My last boyfriend said I’m the ugliest person ever
Maybe someone has said any of these things to you or  even worse, my word today is; its not about what people say or have said to you its about what you say to your self, after everyone has said what they like concerning you, what do you say about yourself, you’re a product of what you speak into your life. I had this impression that its what others speak into your life that matters but now I know better its what they say or because they say it, it’s because you accepted it, your destiny isn’t in the hands of any man, it’s in your mount and in the hands of God, a song I love says speak int the atmosphere. Speak it and be it.
  When people say negative things to or about you refuse it, reject it, when they say you’re ugly tell them you’re fearfully and wonderfully made, when they say you’re sick tell them the chastisement of your peace was laid on the king and by his stripes you have been healed so you can’t be sick. You can’t control what people say to and about but you can choose the effect it has over your life, you can either accept it or reject it. The year is ended I’ve heard people pass different comments about the year 2014 and say evil into 2015 both as individuals and over the country but that don’t matter what matters is, what do you say? Well for me I say I AM THE BEAUTIFIED OF THE KING and FOR MY COUNTRY I SPEAK PEACE, because it’s not what people say again it’s what I say. What do you say?
Love always
Busayo Kehinde

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I can’t wear this dress to church today its way too cool for this church sef” I said to myself on Sunday morning so I put the too pretty dress back at the bottom of my box where I kept dresses for special occasions, I got this dress almost a year ago and I’ve never gotten to wear it even once, there’s not been any occasion worthy of the dress, I’m waiting for the befitting occasion. Today I’m folding this same dress and putting at the bottom of a box just not my special box this time it’s the box for welfare materials, its just so sad I never even got to wear the dress and now I have to give it out ‘cos I recently put on a little weight and so the dress doesn’t fit anymore, its way too tight and not the sexy kind of tight, the suffocating kind of tight, if I ever wear that dress I’d look like I robbed my little niece or cousin of their dress.
     I and my friend were talking earlier and she told me about a dress she was given, she decided no occasion was good enough for the dress so she kept it at the bottom of her box and in the end the dress was stolen before the “worthy occasion” even ever came. Just like my dress I have at the bottom of my box a whole lot of us have talents and abilities God has given to us that we’ve so kept at the bottom of our boxes, some of us can sing for instance but we don’t want to join our church choir possibly because we still attend church with our parents and our churches are full of predominantly aged people, now we forget that old people die and the last time we see them at church might really be their last on earth how would you feel if you realized that the last hymn you sang in the choir was the song that turned their hearts towards Christ and they died after that service, a lot of us can write but we wouldn’t because it’s not the popular thing no one reads anything longer than a tweet these days but that’s just a lie someone once told me how he read something I wrote about my life when he was at the verge of suicide and he refused to take his life again, some of us can act but we are comfortable keeping that talent under our box, we’re good in the arts, we’re good in dancing I recently stumbled on this EDIFY dance group it’s an amazing form of evangelism, even paper work, decoration, making dresses and plenty other stuff, sadly the lives of others may be tied to the manifestation of our bottom box talent “the earth waits in earnest expectation for the manifestation of the sons of God” I know some of us could be doing stuff and it feels like it’s the only talent we’ve got I believe there’s more we have within us and I’m not sure of how long I have on earth but I have to effectively utilize all that HE has put in me so when I go to be with him I’ll show him the fruits of all he’s put in me. Enough of our bathroom singing, behind closed door dancing, inside our journal writing, acting alone in front of the mirror, pick up your bottom box clothes(talents) and put them on, put them on to the saloon, put them on to church on Sunday, put them on to visit a friend, put them on when you’re going to buy ice cream, put them on when you just want to take a stroll, put them on to sleep :D, sing everywhere you go, dance like your life depended upon it, because everywhere you are or go to is worthy and deserves to have a feel of that special thing in you.

Love always
Busayo Kehinde

Monday, December 8, 2014


We’ve all failed at various points in our lives, we’ve stumbled, we’ve messed up big time, and sometimes when we think of all the times we’ve failed we struggle with believing that God still loves us. For some of us we haven’t “failed” God, but life hasn’t been real fair to us, we’ve suffered losses, maybe health fail or something even worse and you’re left to wonder if God really loves you or if he even cares a little about you. To you God is saying;
           “I have loved you with the love that never ends, though the mountains must be
            Shaken and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken.
             How could I give up on you? My heart is turned over within me”
God doesn’t distance himself from our pain, he is with us right in it and cares very much, he feels every hurt, pain and sickness, he’s head over heels in love with  you, like he says in Romans NOTHING is the only thing that can separate us from his divine love, we just simply need to let go of whatever it is that is keeping us from trusting in God and in his love. God says again;
                  “I have made myself one spirit with you, I nourish, I cherish you,
                            I give myself up for you; I lay down my life for you”
When in all your hurt and all your pain you find a way to connect with God, you realize how much he loves you and has never been far from you, and a day will come when he’ll personally wipe away all your tears and fails, and with him you’ll feel his enormous love, Gods love is enormous because its perfect, and perfect love is what would lead us through all that comes in life.
Love Always
Busayo Kehinde

Friday, December 5, 2014


Hi ya’ll top of the day to you, hope all has been totally well with you, a big fat, super and juicy thank you to everyone of you who have been with me on this learning Journey since Tuesday, I hope you have been blessed and taught of the king, your questions and confusions regarding anything you’ve read on here are totally welcome and you could also send a private mail and your comments totally tickle me and I’m blessed when people are blessed by reading stuff here.
Today I’d be sharing this little something I’ve learnt about pain this year, no matter how hard we try to fight it pain would come in your life death of someone we love, a break up, somehow I feel like pain is even an important part of our lives, it’s a part of the things that grow us, in fact here is what I wrote in my journal “sickness and pain aren’t good on their own but personally it has made me to shine for God and understand that he is with me even in my mess” I wrote this too “sometimes life would turn us upside down first so we can learn to live right side up” pain isn’t easy oh! In fact pain is totally painful but then I learnt something lately; when people with pain connect with God they realize that there has never been a time he stopped loving them and a day is coming when he’ll personally wipe away every tear and we’ll never hurt again, and when they are with God and feel is enormous love the past pain would seem as nothing, but until then how do you live through and survive the pain and hurt? 
 Simple! Pour you pain into something your own pain grows dim when you find for yourself something to pour your hurt, your loneliness, and your longing into, it took me a while to understand this principle, I was sulking about how hurtful and sad life had been for me and one day I heard God tell me loud and clear; he said to me “pour you pain into something other than self”, that was when I realized that there could  be other people hurting like me, so I started writing my story, I had to understand that there were people who needed my story in order for their lives to be fine and I started sharing. No lies sometimes I don’t even feel the pain of all I still am going through in my life, I get so caught up in praying for others that I forget that I even have a headache during the time I’m praying, pouring myself into what God has given me has made me a channel and we all know nothing stays for so long in a channel, when you become a channel even pain cant last long in you. I urge everyone who’s got one pain or the other jn their lives to pour all they feel into something positive, sing, pray for someone, write and spread hope and the truth of God’s love to others,  share a book, volunteer in church, volunteer in the hospital and see how dim your  pain gets.
Love always
Busayo Kehinde

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Hi everyone top of the day to you, hope your day is great and eventful and you are enjoying God in large measures I trust him continually keep you, oh Christmas is soon I’d share  my plans for Christmas with you all, but in the meantime I hope you remember that Christmas is more about giving than receiving, I don’t know what you’ve done with previous Christmastime but this time around make it compulsory that you put a smile on the face of someone who can’t repay you, make someone say thank you to you, enough about Christmas, today I’ll be continuing what I started earlier this week, I promised that December would be about me sharing the lessons from the past 11 months of this year with you all, if you missed the first post on that you could check out the blog for  that and even many more.
Today I’ll be writing on another valuable lesson I learnt this year; there is no such thing as monotony in real life, there is  nothing that’s bound to be same  forever, life is basically about change, after change and after change simply put life is constantly changing, nothing stays the same forever, Good times would come so would the bad too, but we have home that the tough times won’t last forever however it’s sad  that the good too won’t last forever, it’s the world we live in, its life and let’s face it there’s nothing we  can do.
   But we can’t choose to be sad because of the bad times we experience, we need to learn to take the good along  with the bad and just hold on to his word that says all things work together to your good because you love God, it’s the only way you could be fine, like Tyler Perry puts its “Be aware of the darkness but focus  on the light” you’re not expected to fake ignorance as regards your situation however you should be  aware of the bad and focus on the goodness of God, that is the attitude that takes us through hard times, your victory lies in your attitude before anything else, and it’s the attitude of gratitude that takes us through the hard times. Basically all I want you all to know is to learn to take all life brings your way maintaining a right attitude, it’s to take the good along with the bad with the right attitude a positive attitude.
Love always
Busayo Kehinde 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Hi people welcome to the month of December, its been a long year and its been totally eventful so for the month of December I’ll be writing majorly on things I’ve learnt in the course of the year. Things I’ve learnt during my bible study, things I learnt from life and even some personal experiences. I hope these lessons teach you so much love you very much.
First thing I’ll love to share on is on Christianity and the very core of Christian life and listening I sure hope you are blessed by reading this. In the past year I’ve written about my struggle with my poor health but each time I do the write up I keep saying I’m blessed with illness, not because I like being ill but because I’ve learnt through it. Every time I’ve been down It’s like that’s when God speaks to me, it’s like when I’m facing storms in my life it’s when God speaks. But I learnt something new this year, I hear God when I’m down or facing a storm because it’s the only time I’m attentive it’s not like God likes me being ill but sometimes I need the storm to hear God speak, the core of our Christian life isn’t in praying, isn’t in talking, it’s in listening to the voice of God, but a number of us can never listen while we are on our feet, we are up and about going around the world on evangelism, we are always speaking about the God we don’t even have time to listen to. Sometimes we can’t learn all God has to teach us while we’re on our feet, while we can move around and while all is fine with us, it’s why sometimes we are laid flat on our back, we are abandoned by people, and things go wrong in our lives, it’s so we can be silent and listen to the voice of God.
I’m not saying God brings illness our way, the devil brings evil our way but God takes advantage of our storms to grow us, to speak to us, and to reveal himself to us, but truth is simple you don’t even have to wait till you are laid flat on your back before you listen, you can start practicing listening, be quiet take time pout with God and listen to him speak, don’t wait until you’re forced to listen.
I hope you’ve learnt from this, I pray you’re blessed and taught from each of my lessons. Let me know your thoughts and questions on this.
Love you always
Busayo Kehinde