Wednesday, August 26, 2015


In the beginning was the world
The world was God and the world was God
God looked at the world and it was beautiful
God made it perfect
Then trouble started
Trouble started when we decided to look less to the creator
And look more to the created
Trouble started when as mere men
We thought we could be God
Trouble started when we heard the word of God
But we edited it to suit our purpose
Trouble started when we decide to listen to the wrong voice
When we decided to bite into deception
Trouble started when we stopped walking the path God had mapped out for us
And began walking the path of another individual.
Trouble started when we decide to awaken love
Long before love should be awoken.
Trouble started when we thought we’d won
With the things we ought not to have done
Forgetting there’s time for everything, regrets included.
Trouble started when we started to live our lives
Based on what we saw as opposed to Gods truth.
Trouble started when we started to look at our lives
Through the eyes of other men.
Trouble started when we became ultimate over our lives
As opposed to the supreme one.


I found him,
Not in the expected of places
I found him,
In the piercing innocent eyes of a year old baby.
I found him,
In the gentle troubled gasps of a day old baby struggling for a chance at life.
I found him,
Not sitting in the front pew of a sacred building
I found him,
In the recovery room of the hospital surrounded by mourning relatives and dying patients
I found him,
In the eyes of a 28 year old young man sticking needles up his veins craving relief
I found him,
Not in the eloquent speech of Mr. Preacher man
I found him
In the mumble of words spoken by the uneducated man who sits on the corner of the street
I found him,
Not in the spirit filled prayer of the pastor
I found him,
In the gentle praying arms of grandmother
I found him,
In the little loving gifts of an uneducated grandfather
I found him,
Not on the crusade ground
I found him,
In the danfo bus seated between the thankful unemployed graduate and the smelly fufu seller and her kids
I found him,
Just like the prophet Elijah
I found him,
Not in the earthquake or fire
I found him,
In the gentle whispers
I found him,
In daily seemingly meaningless activities
Screaming with the loudest of whispers!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2015


But God!!!
But God,
 Why did a 10 year old boy have to die of cancer?
But God,
Why did I have to suffer unjustly and the wicked go scot free?
But God,
Why did a young woman have to lose her baby even after so many prayers?
But God,
Why didn’t my prayers find any answers?
But God,
Why are there abuse, rape and violence?
But God,
You know I tried?
But God,
Why do I feel all by myself on earth?
But God,
Why is following and trusting you so hard?
But God,
Why do I have to hurt so much?
But God,
Why does love seem so far from me?
But God has given us the power to rise above life’s situation
But God has told us there would be trouble in this world
But God has promised to be with us even then
But God has given us strength to pull laughter when the would expects wailing from us
But God tells us to try again even when we seem to fail
But God never said it would be easy
But God has promised to be with us forever
But God would bear us up when we can’t walk again
But God gives grace
But God is reaching out his hand to us
But God is hoping we'll take his hand, accept his help and stop saying “But God”.
But God said it’s finished and I believe he meant it
But you what do you believe??
Miish love

Friday, August 21, 2015


INTRO: in the past few months I had a bit of a shift in my life and somehow I ended up on poetry, now I’m not a poet, but I hope somehow these ramblings make sense to some people, for the next few weeks I’ll be sharing these poems, some short, some long, some deep, some shallow however I hope these poems bless someone.
Here goes the first one;

For every life that gave up hope
For all the love that never came
For every vow that another broke
For every dream that has been crushed
For every bruise seeking cover
For every heart that’s been shattered
For every silence that’s screaming for help
For every pain that threatens to suffocate us
For everyday that’s hard to live
For every heart trying to love again
For every hurt that’s craving relief
I know something that works
I know that nothing shattered, broken, crushed, hurting brought before the king ever returns the same
I know in him the broken, disconnected, disjointed pieces of life, people and things get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmony.