Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Today i have nothing to say to you my dear readers other than to welcome you into the year 2014 and thank you for your love and support in 2013, i pray for you all that you and your families would overflow with the blessings of the king. God bless you all. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Monday, December 30, 2013


     Sometime ago I wrote a note on face book about the right hooks and all, and it was well received so I was sure that was going to be the last I was going to write as regards music, but today I feel it in my spirit to share this with you my dear readers hope you are blessed.
     I know a lot of Christians or just people who love God yet on their music players, phones and other devices they have both a combination of gospel and secular music. I know what you are thinking now  “not all secular music is bad and talk about sex are you now saying we should not listen to even the one that do not depict sex?”  My answer to that is and would always be NO big fat NO. we have to realize that we are a product of what we listen to. Whatever we sing or listen to should glorify God, if it doesn’t glorify the true God it glorifies the devil or any counterfeit god of ours.
  Have you ever listened to a song, I mean audio music, and shortly afterwards a video is made, its not uncommon to hear people say the video does not go well with the song or this is not the right video e.t.c and I wonder never has a video been released for this song how do you know this is not how the video is meant to be. The answer is simple we are visual beings, and every word we hear is transformed into pictures in our mind, so when we listen to music the lyrics create pictures in our minds and as the beats and lyrics come together our minds create videos for the song, that is why most times when the videos are released we are not satisfied because it does not co-relate to our minds video. For this reason we ought to watch what we listen to, because after a while our minds begin to tilt towards what constantly fills it so if secular music fills it gradually we begin acting, living and being like the music we listen to.
   Furthermore I personally believe that when you sing or dance to music they should be two major purposes, to praise and to uplift one what do I mean? When I sing a song it should be to praise God this has to do with being thankful, making a request, etcetera. Whereas by up lifting I mean to encourage or give us hope when we are cast down, depressed or discouraged and not for entertainment only, if music only entertains you only I wonder the purpose, entertainment births happiness which is just for that period, while real music should not just entertain or birth happiness but joy which does not depend on the time being but stays in all circumstances. Furthermore when music is to praise it gives power, we need to realize that the power of our gods towards us is dependent on the amount of praise we give to them meaning every time we sing songs that glorifies our counterfeit gods we give them power.
     Finally the spirit behind most songs we listen to is unknown and that’s is like the most important, as the spiritual controls the physical, a lot of secular music even though they don’t promote sex choke, and even kills the spirit of God in us, gradually, slowly the spirit of God would die in us as we keep up our ungodly music, because the spirit we feed is the one that would live and two spirits can’t work in us, and the spirit of God is really delicate, it can’t operate next to another spirit, our God is a jealous God he can’t be spirit 2, he has to be the one and only operational spirit in our lives.
   However my dear readers and friends these are just my thoughts, I really need to know your thoughts on this issue. Feel free to post your comments and question on any point of mine that is not clear to you. Have an amazing day. I love you all and I’m praying we all cross over beautifully into 2014. See you there.
xoxo Busayo

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Happy Sunday my dear amazing readers I’m totally sorry I’ve not been posting stuff like I ought to I really don’t have an excuse but I trust my post for today would bless your life.
     Its that time of the month, it’s actually one of my hardest moment every month, I feel heavy, fat, sick, irritable not to even talk of the pimples on my face, I’m really hungry but the sigh and smell of food totally nauseates me, I want everybody around me, and I don’t want anybody around me at the same time, the sights and sound of people telling me sorry even doubles my pain, I want to have my bath but I don’t want water to touch my body and no I’m not crazy it’s just that it’s my time of the month, I don’t have control over my temper or emotions doctors refer to it as PMS but for me it’s simply “my time in the month” my time of frustrations, anger and plenty of conflicting emotions. It was Tola’s birthday and I’d promised to go out with her but in my condition I couldn’t make it again so I had to text her to inform her, much to my surprise few minutes after I sent the text Tola was in my room going all mummy on me, taking care of me and putting my space in order she even took the pains of going out to get food for me, and even boiled water for me to have my bath, then it happened. As she was pouring the water from the kettle a little spilled on the floor I didn’t say anything  then however after I had my bath and came into the room I still met the water on the floor I got really irritated and started nagging at her about how scruffy, childish and lazy she was, how she couldn’t even keep a place together just after I finished yelling at her I realized what I had done I HAD JUST PMS’D ON A FRIEND WHO HAD ABANDONED HER BIRTHDAY OUTING TO STAY WITH ME but that was just a little thing as compared with the hurt I saw on her face, it was unlike anything I had ever seen. In that moment I know I should have said I was sorry but my pride kept me quiet or rather I felt we were friends we were going to sort out ourselves somehow. She stayed with me for the rest of the day it was worse than I expected I’d talk to her and she’ll answer like nothing happened so I thought it was over and at night before she left I gave her the present I made for her-a beautiful handmade wire work neck piece she was so thankful and left and we continued our friendship normally and to me that was the end of it all. It was until one morning two weeks after the incidence I went to her room to call her, I had a bottle of water in my hand, I got there and she was not ready so I sat to wait for her, while I waited I got thirsty so I opened my bottle of water to drink as I was drinking it her roommate came in a hurry to pick something and as she was walking through she hit me and a little water spilled on the floor and surprisingly Tola did make a comment she was like if water pours on my floor she’s childish and unorganized but when I the most organized madam pours it on her floor it’s an accident. And for the first time I realized that she hadn’t forgotten and she was still upset and I never said sorry to her.
      I know some of you my dear readers can relate to this, it’s not only when you are PMSing, at least boys don’t have PMS but they do it we value our alter ego than the people in our lives, for me I didn’t realize how much closure the simple word sorry can bring, there are a lot of times I’ve had disagreements with people and just because I couldn’t say sorry malice erupted. Over time I hated saying sorry first to any one because I felt it would look like I loved the person so much and could not imagine offending them, other times I felt it would mean admitting I’m wrong even though sometimes I’m not wrong.
and she cant even say sorry
However the truth is saying sorry doesn’t reduce you in any way, it only shows you’re strong, strong enough to take the first step, strong enough to control your ego and apologize and not allow your ego to stop you from making amends, it means you’re strong enough you’ve overcome pride enough to come down and apologize, and like I always tell my friends when they have issues with people, apologizing always makes you the better person.
   I realized something every time we offend someone we know weather of not their expressions say it however we have two options; first is to apologize immediately or the second is to pretend it didn’t happen and continue things normally. We need to understand that none of the two options change what has happened, the first is to bring closure to the issue i.e. end the issue, while the second is tantamount to either postponing the closure or a lifelong malice. So what the point? The first it the voice of humility (the voice of truth) the second is that of pride (the voice that led Satan into hell) so like Joshua said in the bible I say in my own words, choose today what you’ll do about issues you’ve left like that. Have an amazing Sunday.
PS: I just had to add this quick note, I finished this write up early hours but for some reasons I could not publish it before I went to church and just as I got to church during Sunday school the topic was anger, and most of the issues raised related to this article, plus I realized that my topic was the right one. I was told that one of the world wars was as a result of someone’s refusal to say sorry smh….it’s all good just thought y’all should know.
Xoxo Busayo

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Merry Christmas all its been a while I wrote on here  and really I’ve missed writing its just a lot of other things came up that took my attention however it’s good to be back and as the year draws to an end I think its about time to take stock an really know whether or not we really are serving God and by God I mean the real BIG G hope you are blessed by this piece.

and no by bowing to a god this is not what i mean

    What’s on your throne? What do you actually bow down to? Yea when I say bow down I don’t mean in actual sense, the question is what are u chasing so u don’t feel alone? A lot of us can’t honestly answer that question because really the things we chase we can’t just refer to them as our God, for instance how do we expect an alcoholic to refer to alcohol as his God or a drug addict to refer to drugs as his God, the counterfeit Gods are just things or people we can’t really acknowledge as our Gods, for some of us our partners are our Gods we can give up anything just to spend some time with them when I say anything I really mean anything, for others it’s our possessions and that’s actually like the worse it really beats my imagination how we buy stuff with our own money and then the stuff that supposed to serve us suddenly becomes our god, it’s not uncommon to hear people rant about their car and how much it cost and be treating their car like it’s human and several examples I could give, and no not only those who worship in shrines worship counterfeit gods, by the way who even goes into shrines these days that’s way too stressful joor. A God is what/who u give ultimate worth and what/who if taken will bring ultimate sadness. A God is who or whatever is supreme in your life.
  The bible in tells us that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think according to the power that works in us… I don’t know what else you all have picked from that scripture but here is what it tells  me, this elaboration on the verse was done by a friend here is what he said from the last phrase in that verse we can understand that there is power locked up in us and as it is we are stores of power, and every time we bow we release power to our Gods, that why after worshiping a person or a thing for while we eventually trade totally our power to our lords and soon our lives actually begin to depend on those things/people. Its Christmas today while we are celebrating some are actually busy celebrating their own Gods without even knowing.
   How do you know what has become your God? It’s a simple thing search yourselves whatever you own that you can’t give up if we’ll be real actually owns you and that your God.

Monday, December 16, 2013


Merry Christmas and happy New Year in advance everyone, the year is quickly coming to an end and as we end this year I thought I could drop this little something, this is my seventeenth Christmas on earth and the year 2014 would make it my 18th year on earth. In all the years I’ve spent I’ve learnt a lot of things, especially last year when I had to undergo 5 surgeries, and in the midst of it all I’ve learnt a lot. so today I’m sharing 22 things I’ve learnt from life, I hope you don’t just enjoy them but learn one or two things you’ll love to take into the new year. Here they are;
 1) THERE IS A GOD: I’ve always known that there is a God and that yes he is real, but more than anything else I we need just a reminder that there is a God and no he is no man.
2)  BE OPEN TO YOUR DREAMS: 3rd June last year I lost a friend it only made me realize how short life is, and how many of my dreams I’ve failed to embrace hoping it’ll come up again sometime in future, however June 3rd taught me to be open to my dreams as our mortal journey is over all too soon.
3) DON’T SHARE YOUR DREAMS WITH EVERYONE: I learnt this from pastor TD Jakes, he said not to share your dreams with everyone, as not everyone has your interest at heart, take the biblical example Joseph even his own brothers became envious because he shared his dream with them to the extent of selling him beware of discouragers, and dream killers my pastor would also say beware of old prophets.
4) SEPERATION: it’s not everybody we start our life with or even grow up with or have been moving together with we would move ahead with, the farthest some people in our lives can come with us is where we already are, to move forward we need to let go of some people in our lives, some people we still move with are the reasons why we don’t move forward. In the bible even Abraham had to separate from Lot before God’s promises for him came to pass.
5) WE WONT ALWAYS UNDERSTAND GOD: faith is foolishness to the ordinary man, Gods ways are always higher than our ways, as such we won’t always understand his ways and instructions, however one thing is sure if God has said it then it will be so, we don’t need understanding to obey God’s instructions we need obedience to understand God Abraham obeyed God without understanding why God will ask for his only son.
6) YOU CANT BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYBODY: I’m not saying you can’t be nice to everybody I’m saying it’s not everybody that can be your friends, you need to choose people whose life you add value to and those who add value to you to be friends with, association determines how further you can go and the way you go. No one is above influence; the wrong friends would only influence you negatively.
7) FAMILY IS IMPORTANT : I had a conversation with a friend and there was something she said that stuck, she said there comes a time in our life when we look to the heavens and the sun, the moon, the stars won’t even be able to reassure us that God is there, we look around un and nothing seems to tell you that there is God, it’s for seasons like that God gave us family, their presence most times would reassure us that there is always God I personally faced one of such seasons recently and today I’m thankful for family.
8) WE ALL ARE DIFFERENT: while I don’t mean to be insulting, some people could be basically described as plain stupid, I mean chronic stupidity, while we tend to get annoyed at such people I realized that we really are just different while some people could find such stupidity amusing I find it plain annoying. However we all cannot be same, we also all have different experiences in our lives that shaped us, so we can’t do things or think the same way.
9) MAKE ALLOWANCE FOR OTHERS: while we are different from others, we need to also make allowances for others, who may hurt or offend us by the way they do things or something else. Something I can’t stand is strong stupidity or when people I do not expect to do some things do them, but now after being surprised and annoyed a lot of times I realize that I need to make allowance for people to do less than I expect or  to exhibit their stupidity and not be annoyed or surprised.
10) GUARD YOUR TOUNGE:  life and death truly are in the power of the tongue, plus people really remember what you say, be watchful what you say, especially in a moment of weakness.
11) JOY INDEED COMES IN THE MORNING: last year I had a lot of dark nights I had 5 surgeries within February and September but at the end of it all I’m here hale and hearty even writing about it, joy indeed comes in the morning.
12) FEAR CAN TRULY HINDER YOU FROM LIVING: shortly after my surgery I struggled with fear, I was just so scared that something else could happen to me it affected me so much that ridiculous as this may seem I started sleeping in my mom’s room (it’s just a year ago so I wasn’t a kid). It really hindered me from living as once evening started approaching I became scared and could not really do anything my life was on pause as from 5pm.
13) PRAYER CHANGES THINGS: in all I went through the turning point came in the midst of prayer, truly prayer does change things.
14)  MUSIC IS TRULY A BALM TO THE SOUL: yes music is really a balm to the soul, however the right kind of music is what I’m talking and not all the garbage we find today, those ones will rather double your trouble, the God type of music is the real balm here I’m talking about hymns and spiritual songs. Need a few pointers, try Jamie Grace’s music, or Britt Nicole, Audrey Assad, Lecrae, Flame, Kenny K’ore, and quite a lot of others.
15) YES THERE WOULD BE PAINS BUT IT WONT LAST FOREVER: there would be phases of pains and hurt in our lives but believe me the pain won’t last forever, it shall surely pass away, that’s only if you allow it to really heal.
16) TO LIVE FREE IS TO KNOW BONDAGE: a lot of people fall into trouble because of freedom, to live a life without control, or without accountability to anybody is the beginning of doom for a person, one of the worse risk is trying to be the boss of yourself.
17)  BE AWARE OF THE DARKNESS BUT ALWAYS FOCUS ON THE LIGHT: yes there is always darkness in life but there is also light never allow your focus to be on the dark, focus on the light always.
18) NEVER ALLOW DEPRESSION: no matter how terrible your life may seem never allow depression into your life it would hinder a lot of things in your life.
19) RUN FROM BITTERNESS: no matter how much hurt and heartbreaks you go through in life allow them to make you stronger, but never allow them leave you bitter, bitterness is like a chronic state of cancer, it even drives people away from us.
20) MAJORITY IS NOT LEGALITY: that everybody is doing something does not make it right, neither does a thing being legal make it right, everybody is doing it should not be your reasons for doing things, most time the majority could be really wrong, we don’t always have to stick to the status quo.
21) GOD DOESN’T ALWAYS USE THOSE YOU EXPECT HIM TO USE: God is not always use those we expect or want him to use for us or in our lives, however he will use those he wants to use for us. God’s ways are not ours.
22) FINALLY: Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word, just to rest upon his promise, just to know thus says the lord, this is actually from a hymn, it’s a summary of all I’ve learnt and gone through in life, trusting God is just the sweetest thing that we can do. Try it today he’s def amazing.


So its Christmas season again brings back so many memories from several years ago to recent years, so for today I’m just going to be doing a little thing about some of my Christmas memories.
When I think of Christmas in the 1990’s (I’m writing 1990’s like I know anything about then ) I think about the Christmas carol in school, then again I think again about our telephone wire hairstyles or our indomie hairstyles, or how could i even  forget out evergreen bob Marley, and our multiple coloured ribbons, our “mama tie me ” dresses :D our matching cap’s and bags (really nowadays children are all grown before they even get the chance to live), I remember I and my older sister wearing similar clothes and feeling all sisterly, really those were the fun Christmases, I and my friends walking everywhere together like we owned the place an quick to shake our heads at the slightest opportunity (trust we just had to shake our telephone wires or the beads on our hair), Christmas then was all about our Christmas clothes, shoes and hair, and the fact I was not in school, and plenty of food and a little of family in fact family was just for receiving gifts.
   Christmas in the early 2000’s  was just like the 1990’s, however soon I was hold enough to use fireworks knock out and Biscoe light, and go out with friends so Christmas became about going out and meeting with friends and just having fun generally no God in the Christmas at all except for the Christmas service we had early on Christmas day, soon Christmas became about me showing my decoration skills and ideas and Christmas tree decorations, every Christmas I couldn’t wait to bring out the Christmas tree and decorate it with ball, drums, and Christmas lights and all, however my last few Christmas have been different they’ve been more about family, love and most importantly Christ the one whose birthday we celebrate on that day, it’s been more about the time with family than about the clothes, shoes and hair (I can’t even remember when last I did all the Christmas clothes and hair stuff),it’s not about what I can receive for Christmas but what I could give,  it’s now about the opportunity to celebrate with my savior, friend and lover of my soul.
   How about you what has Christmas been like all these years, why don’t we all share some of our own Christmas memories. Feel free to drop some of yours in the comment field. Xoxo Busayo. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013


     Hello people trust your day has been going on fine and your week was beautiful, mine has been amazing my two younger ones just returned from the boarding house yesterday, I was flipping excited to have them back, especially my baby brother, it was his first time in a boarding school however by Gods grace he made it and even came out top of his class, I was definitely so proud of him and my sister also who had struggled with change of schools but was also on top of her game in her new school plus Thursday last week was her 13th birthday I’m also thankful for that.
     To todays issue “THE FACT” vs.  “THE TRUTH” I’m not an English student in fact if I’m given a chance I’d murder English, so while the trained English student would refer to fact and truth as same I see them as totally distinct while my dictionary defines truth as the face I see truth as overlooking fact, while fact is defined as something known to be true. My bible tells me that God is the truth, in your health the fact might be that you’re having pain in your body, the truth however is that  by the stripes of our lord Jesus we are healed (Isa 53:5) the fact is that you have lost your partner or a family member and it feels like God does not love you, the truth is nothing can separate us from the love of God not sin nor trouble nor tribulations (Rom 8:35-37 ), the fact is that there is an outbreak of an epidemic and everybody is dying, the truth is “a thousand may fall at my left and right but no evil shall befall me only with my eyes will I see the reward of the wicked” the fact is I have committed too many sins for God to love me the truth is “love covers a multitude of sins” and God is love another truth here is God says he himself will blot out our transgression and remember our sins no more, the fact is you joined a cult of your own volition or submitted yourself to the devil by reasons of your sins the truth is the captives of the mighty shall be set free and even the lawful captives shall be set free ( Isa 49:24-29), the fact is you have committed so many abortions now you have no womb the fact is God is a miracle worker and with him the barren shall be fruitful, the fact is there is currently not a single money in your wallet and you need a lot of things the truth is “the lord shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory” and many other instances.
        The fact is the physical (the ordinary) the truth is beyond the ordinary the truth is a different realm from the ordinary the truth is the supernatural, the truth is the fourth dimension in this 3 dimensional world, the truth is the higher realm. The only way to see above the ordinary is through Christ, without Christ we can never experience the truth we can’t even sense the truth and if you can’t sense it you can’t have it, until we have Christ we’ll go through life based on the facts and we won’t experience joy just happiness based on the facts surrounding us, while if we have Christ we can see the supernatural we’ll have Joy not moved or in the least disturbed by the facts surrounding. I urge you all today who know Christ  to go through the word(the bible) and get truth for our situations and circumstances and to those who don’t know Christ you’re just a step away from the truth Just ask him into your life and you’ll experience the joy of Christ. Have a beautiful Sunday everyone and an abundance of God’s blessings through the week.  

Friday, December 6, 2013


Wednesday was my birthday and for the first time in my life I was not looking forward to it, because it only made me more aware of the fact that I was getting older and I was still very single any way I managed to get up that morning, and prepare for work, while I was still dressing my parents called and prayed for me, i managed to drag myself to  work, on getting to office there was nothing so spectacular about the day, except Toks seem more on my case.
Tokunbo is my work buddy, my confidante, in fact in short terms he was my best friend, we shared almost everything  including my lunch which I usually brought from the house, he even knew about all my trial and errors in relationships, he even introduced me to two of the guys I dated and made jokes of some of them most times he was around me, he was even the one who adviced me to try a dating website and all. Anyway on my birthday he asked me to dinner to celebrate my birthday quietly with me, I didn’t mind at least I didn’t have a boyfriend to keep me occupied that night so Toks was an option.
   Later in the day all members of staff celebrated my birthday for me it was beautiful and I really enjoyed it.
     The day went quickly and it was already evening and about time for my dinner with Toks I thought of what to wear, I finally decided on my black shimmery dress and purple shoes plus my purple earrings and by the time my make up was done I knew I was beautiful I felt like I had just stepped out of a magazine I felt truly beautiful like I hadn’t in a long time, anyway I went for my dinner on my arrival at the agreed venue, I had to fight to keep myself from releasing a gasp the place was truly beautiful the candle lit and all I was truly in love with the place already, just  then something else took my breath away Tokunbo he had never looked more handsome, I had to quickly gain myself back before things got quickly weird. “so who lent you a suit that left you looking this good this evening?” I asked trying to lighten up the moment “It’s one of the things I inherited from my ancestors, I don’t wear it except for special occasions” he replied, it was one of the reasons I and Toks were friends he had quite a sense of humor,  I gave him a smile and asked again if he used make up because he looked too handsome to be the Toks I knew, he laughed and said he was pleased he’d impressed me that night, we engaged in small talk actually we did a little bit of gossiping afterwards we ordered our dinner, then it was time for desert when it happened, he started adjusting really uneasy in his chair, he looked more nervous than I had ever seen him, he never looked that serious not even when he got into trouble and was called to see our boss, as I sat ther wandering the waiter returned with a package, which appeared too large to be dessert, he dropped the package right in front of me as I opened it my jaw practically dropped it was the most beautifull cake I had ever seen, it was made in form of an engagement ring, next to the cake was a not that simply said “say yes please”
   as I looked up from my note I saw Toks on one knee, ring in hand and for the first time I saw him look so serious “marry me please, I’ve watched you try to find love in the past few months especially and with each time you failed I felt more convinced you were the one, I’ve thought about it severally I love you too much to just keep being friends with you, I want you to become a part of my life, I want to know what it feels like to crack you up when we’re like 60 and when we have a daughter I’ll like for her to have your eyes. Marry me please” honestly in that moment I felt a series of emotions, I wanted to hug him tightly and say YES and let him know that was the sweetest thing I had heard at the same time I wanted to slap him and ask him why he had to wait this long, but I did neither I just sat there and stared long at him before I said” haba Tokkunbo so it was you all along? you knew me long before I even started searching you didn’t even make a move, you allowed me to try them all, you watched become desperate and become nice to every Tom, dick and Harry yet you didn’t ask, I volunteered to go to kano, sokoto and Kaduna on training hoping you were there I dint even mind if you were malo or Boko, you allowed me to be friend zoned severally, you let me do plenty stupid things and even laughed with me over it, I attended weddings with or without i.v hoping I’ll be lucky but no, you’ve been there all, along, I even changed churches hoping if you were not in one you’ll be in the other but no, you even followed me to church to search and all along it had been you, did you actually plan to frustrate my prayer effort? You allowed me stupid things in looking for you harma you even joined me in doing some and it was you all along, okay o. thanks for coming out at last Mr. Boaz and YES I’d marry you” I said smiling, as he slipped the ring onto my finger I knew it was a night I was going to remember all my life and a decision I wouldn’t regret, because with Toks and God in my life I was sure all that lay ahead was bliss, yes we’ll fight and argue, we’ll make fun of each other but more than anything else I was sure all was going to be well and yes for the first time that night I realized how much butterflies I had in my tummy whenever I was him,  just I was too sure my Boaz was a thousand miles away to realize he was the guy at the table next to mine, my trusted adviser and work buddy.
     NOTE: overtime we’ve met a lot of people we get so used to being around them and so we just believe they can’t be the right people we just think the right ones so we’re busy looking a thousand miles away for Mr. right and even enlisting the help of our Mr. right in the search for Mr. right :P. it’s about time you stopped looking too far and look around you, it could be the guy next door or even your lunch partner in the office, a gym partner, e.t.c And no I’m not saying all your close friends are you potential partners so you should date them all, but of them all he could be, all you need do is ask God to open your eyes and give you insight as to who it is and the right thing to do. Trusting that God will open the eyes of every single and especially those of marriageable ages to see and not just be looking around.
       PERSONAL NOTE: Abegii I’m not yet married o! and the story above is purely fictional before my own Boaz will read this article and lemme alone o! p.s: in case you read it I love the way Toks proposed in the story  and wouldn’t mind such also, precisely on my 21st birthday, which is quite years from now, well you can start planning for it from now. : D just kidding though. Have an amazing weekend everyone.