Monday, December 16, 2013


Merry Christmas and happy New Year in advance everyone, the year is quickly coming to an end and as we end this year I thought I could drop this little something, this is my seventeenth Christmas on earth and the year 2014 would make it my 18th year on earth. In all the years I’ve spent I’ve learnt a lot of things, especially last year when I had to undergo 5 surgeries, and in the midst of it all I’ve learnt a lot. so today I’m sharing 22 things I’ve learnt from life, I hope you don’t just enjoy them but learn one or two things you’ll love to take into the new year. Here they are;
 1) THERE IS A GOD: I’ve always known that there is a God and that yes he is real, but more than anything else I we need just a reminder that there is a God and no he is no man.
2)  BE OPEN TO YOUR DREAMS: 3rd June last year I lost a friend it only made me realize how short life is, and how many of my dreams I’ve failed to embrace hoping it’ll come up again sometime in future, however June 3rd taught me to be open to my dreams as our mortal journey is over all too soon.
3) DON’T SHARE YOUR DREAMS WITH EVERYONE: I learnt this from pastor TD Jakes, he said not to share your dreams with everyone, as not everyone has your interest at heart, take the biblical example Joseph even his own brothers became envious because he shared his dream with them to the extent of selling him beware of discouragers, and dream killers my pastor would also say beware of old prophets.
4) SEPERATION: it’s not everybody we start our life with or even grow up with or have been moving together with we would move ahead with, the farthest some people in our lives can come with us is where we already are, to move forward we need to let go of some people in our lives, some people we still move with are the reasons why we don’t move forward. In the bible even Abraham had to separate from Lot before God’s promises for him came to pass.
5) WE WONT ALWAYS UNDERSTAND GOD: faith is foolishness to the ordinary man, Gods ways are always higher than our ways, as such we won’t always understand his ways and instructions, however one thing is sure if God has said it then it will be so, we don’t need understanding to obey God’s instructions we need obedience to understand God Abraham obeyed God without understanding why God will ask for his only son.
6) YOU CANT BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYBODY: I’m not saying you can’t be nice to everybody I’m saying it’s not everybody that can be your friends, you need to choose people whose life you add value to and those who add value to you to be friends with, association determines how further you can go and the way you go. No one is above influence; the wrong friends would only influence you negatively.
7) FAMILY IS IMPORTANT : I had a conversation with a friend and there was something she said that stuck, she said there comes a time in our life when we look to the heavens and the sun, the moon, the stars won’t even be able to reassure us that God is there, we look around un and nothing seems to tell you that there is God, it’s for seasons like that God gave us family, their presence most times would reassure us that there is always God I personally faced one of such seasons recently and today I’m thankful for family.
8) WE ALL ARE DIFFERENT: while I don’t mean to be insulting, some people could be basically described as plain stupid, I mean chronic stupidity, while we tend to get annoyed at such people I realized that we really are just different while some people could find such stupidity amusing I find it plain annoying. However we all cannot be same, we also all have different experiences in our lives that shaped us, so we can’t do things or think the same way.
9) MAKE ALLOWANCE FOR OTHERS: while we are different from others, we need to also make allowances for others, who may hurt or offend us by the way they do things or something else. Something I can’t stand is strong stupidity or when people I do not expect to do some things do them, but now after being surprised and annoyed a lot of times I realize that I need to make allowance for people to do less than I expect or  to exhibit their stupidity and not be annoyed or surprised.
10) GUARD YOUR TOUNGE:  life and death truly are in the power of the tongue, plus people really remember what you say, be watchful what you say, especially in a moment of weakness.
11) JOY INDEED COMES IN THE MORNING: last year I had a lot of dark nights I had 5 surgeries within February and September but at the end of it all I’m here hale and hearty even writing about it, joy indeed comes in the morning.
12) FEAR CAN TRULY HINDER YOU FROM LIVING: shortly after my surgery I struggled with fear, I was just so scared that something else could happen to me it affected me so much that ridiculous as this may seem I started sleeping in my mom’s room (it’s just a year ago so I wasn’t a kid). It really hindered me from living as once evening started approaching I became scared and could not really do anything my life was on pause as from 5pm.
13) PRAYER CHANGES THINGS: in all I went through the turning point came in the midst of prayer, truly prayer does change things.
14)  MUSIC IS TRULY A BALM TO THE SOUL: yes music is really a balm to the soul, however the right kind of music is what I’m talking and not all the garbage we find today, those ones will rather double your trouble, the God type of music is the real balm here I’m talking about hymns and spiritual songs. Need a few pointers, try Jamie Grace’s music, or Britt Nicole, Audrey Assad, Lecrae, Flame, Kenny K’ore, and quite a lot of others.
15) YES THERE WOULD BE PAINS BUT IT WONT LAST FOREVER: there would be phases of pains and hurt in our lives but believe me the pain won’t last forever, it shall surely pass away, that’s only if you allow it to really heal.
16) TO LIVE FREE IS TO KNOW BONDAGE: a lot of people fall into trouble because of freedom, to live a life without control, or without accountability to anybody is the beginning of doom for a person, one of the worse risk is trying to be the boss of yourself.
17)  BE AWARE OF THE DARKNESS BUT ALWAYS FOCUS ON THE LIGHT: yes there is always darkness in life but there is also light never allow your focus to be on the dark, focus on the light always.
18) NEVER ALLOW DEPRESSION: no matter how terrible your life may seem never allow depression into your life it would hinder a lot of things in your life.
19) RUN FROM BITTERNESS: no matter how much hurt and heartbreaks you go through in life allow them to make you stronger, but never allow them leave you bitter, bitterness is like a chronic state of cancer, it even drives people away from us.
20) MAJORITY IS NOT LEGALITY: that everybody is doing something does not make it right, neither does a thing being legal make it right, everybody is doing it should not be your reasons for doing things, most time the majority could be really wrong, we don’t always have to stick to the status quo.
21) GOD DOESN’T ALWAYS USE THOSE YOU EXPECT HIM TO USE: God is not always use those we expect or want him to use for us or in our lives, however he will use those he wants to use for us. God’s ways are not ours.
22) FINALLY: Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word, just to rest upon his promise, just to know thus says the lord, this is actually from a hymn, it’s a summary of all I’ve learnt and gone through in life, trusting God is just the sweetest thing that we can do. Try it today he’s def amazing.

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