Thursday, April 10, 2014


Heheheh hello people its April, the only month in the year I’m always flipping excited about. The answer isn’t far feched, its my month. Anyways come 25th April 2014 I’d be turning 18 ikr, I get that all the time, people who do not know me in person and rad stuff I write be wondering? If you knew me in person and read what I write you’d be more confused believe me. Yesterday I was in school and this 100level guy walked up to me and I don’t know how small I looked to him, the first thing he said was “you’re in 100 level right?” I felt like I’d just been punched in the face, but that was just the beginning when I left school I stopped at the bank and on arrival I decided to put on shades, hoping I’d look a little older or something and surprisingly as I was about to enter thje bank the security man asked me “where is your mommy?” can you imagine how I felt. Smh. Enough of my sad stories about my age and person, OBTW don’t think I’m short, I’m not I’m really tall(I could easily pass for a model) lol.
   Why this post you’re asking? Its simple it just me announcing my birthday to the whole world lol(shebi its my blog? Just kiddin :D), its simple I’m just messing around and sharing some of my excitement on here (plenty whala of a big baby), oh another thing about turning 18, I don’t have to pass by teens church and feel guilty for sitting with the youths on Sunday lol. Oh and just to give suggestions of birthday gifts I’d totally love
1)      A JOURNAL: so I’m already on my second journal this year (I write plenty of stuff, rubbish most times, but they help me anyway), and I’d soon be done with the second, I need a new one, preferably a pink one with a pink pen. Lol
2)      A CAR: I’d be 18 so I guess I’d be officially ready to drive, so I’d like a car, preferably a red or pink Ferrari.
3)      A PHONE: errrm I think I want a gold iphone 5… hehehehehe (don’t wake me up yet)
4)      NOVELS: I can read novels for Africa(lol), my favorite authors are Karen Kingsbury and Francine Rivers, just buy me a whole Karen Kingsbury’s series and our friendship has been sealed. :D
5)      A DRESS: I almost hate anything cloth item that is not a dress, just buy me a dress and I’d wear it everyday, (depends on the type and who you are tho)
6)      A BIBLE: when I was younger my mom had this life application bible, I loved it so much and even turned it into my own bible and took it to school, and somehow I lost it, I’ve never seen a bible I love that much. A life application bible would be the greatest gift of all (except that which God will gimmie) I could receive April 25th this year.
Hehehehe I guess that’s about all I want for my birthday and of course anything else you think of. Lol, so this post is just me been playful, don’t take it too personal. But on a serious note I need that life application bible. :D……

Xoxo Busayo


  1. Yayyy! April baby! April seems to be a very busy month for fabulous people!
    I really like your list!
    And we have the same favouritie author - Francin Rivers! That woman can write for dayssss!

  2. yaaay Thankies darl late reply ko, busy much. xoxo
