Monday, June 1, 2015


I do not understand so much
If anything I do not understand anything at all
But these I do understand
I understand that life can hurt
I understand that pain demands to be felt
I understand that pain can seemingly kill
I understand that people would hurt me
I understand that we would struggle to love
I understand that we would struggle to care
I understand that it’s always easier to hate
I understand that hate doesn’t rule the world
I understand that love rules
I understand how much living can injure us
I understand how much we can cover these injuries
I understand how covered injuries rot so much they smell
I understand how much this smell can affect all those we come across
I understand what it means to be addicted
I understand the struggle to break addiction
I understand how a bad habit can become home
I understand how memories can become our safe haven
I understand how love can hurt
I understand what insecurity feels like
I understand the struggle to be free
I understand identity crisis
I understand how hard it is to let go of wrong choices
I understand how hard it is to leave wrong relationships
I understand how much we want “more”
I understand how the more we long for isn’t always the more we need
I understand depression
I understand what longing feels like
I understand that sometimes all we want to say is exactly what we cant
I understand that the heart is a muscle
I understand that muscles only exercise the y do not break
I understand that there is no such thing as heart break
I understand that my heart can be stretched
I understand that the heart is the size of a fist
I understand that love can feel like blows
I understand that living is hard
I understand that life can hurt day in day out
I know it is okay to cry
I know it is okay to be confused
But I know it’s not okay to quit
I know to start over as many times as I fail
I know that I am never by myself
I understand that God is supreme
I understand that there is no heart God cannot heal
I understand that there is no hurt God cannot fix
I understand that there is no pain God cannot heal
I understand that there is no struggle God lets you fight alone
And most of all……..
I understand, I know and I’m a hundred percent sure that
In this life I’m never really alone Jesus is always there
Even in the midst of the greatest hardships

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said! So True!

    Glad you took time to post and Hope you are doing Much Better :)

    You are still in my thoughts and Prayers.

    Take Care and Have a Cheerful Day Meshel :)
