Thursday, March 6, 2014


Hey people its been sooooooo long I did anything on here. Thanks to my school and when I got back from school my sinuses got real full its been a struggle any way I thank God for his workings its really been him. Thanks to everyone who sent a message or contacted me one way or the other as per my blog I missed you and I’m glad to be back. Oya now to the issue
    As a child I always wanted to know why anything happened, why anybody says whatever they say, why people act the way they do, why? why? why? I just had to know why. Once in a while when I ask my mum would answer me but occasionally when I asked some questions the look in my mother’s eyes would say “ma fun e ni igbati omo yi” lol translated as “I’d give you a slap this child”, and she’ll simply tell me shut up or don’t question me. Your smiling now bcos you also did it innit?
   Two days ago I read about opeyemi odusanya, the Bowen university student who was killed, I tell you I started to ask some questions, why did they have to kill her, why didn’t God have her survive the stab no matter how terrible it was she didn’t do nothing wrong, the trauma of abuse woulda been too much dats why she fought why didn’t she win the fight, why was there nobody around at the time, why did she have to go and buy credit? Why? Why? Why?...... the year Dana plane crashed I had a lot of whys why did God allow a whole family to board that plane?, why did beautiful kunbi Adebiyi who loved him and was going to transform the world have to be on board?, why did intelligent Awyetu Hope wasa decide to write CU’s post ume she wasn’t even going there anyway?, why did my friend zuggy decide to take Cu’s post ume he was obviously not going there either?, why did 153 people have to be on that plane?  When things happen we question ourselves our superiors, our leaders and worse we question God. I ask myself who do I think God is? Some wicked overlord who sits up there an sees evil befall us and smile? NO he’s not. He could not have created us and not love us, he loved us enough to send the only son he had to die in our place and to wash us that we might live free that we might escape corruption. And when his son said “it is finished” on the cross he really meant it. I really can’t explain why evil happens and I don’t have to give a perfect explanation as to why things happen.. I’ll just hold on to God’s word that his ways are not my ways and his thoughts are not mine.
  My dear friends and readers I was working on another post for today but this came stronger and so I had to do it. I don’t understand why I had to be ill and go through so much pain in the last few years, but even without my understanding of all of these here’s one thing I can tell you is God is always king and yes he is always in control even when we can’t seem to understand. No matter what comes into your life suddenly and seems to rock it backward and forward at the same time, remember “we won’t always understand” but that never stops him for being God, hold on to psalm 30:5 Joy would always come in the morning, and when it doesn’t look like the morning of joy would come trust a little more “for he honors his word”.
RIP Opeyemi Odusanya, Kunbi Adebiyi, Hope Wasa, Zuggie nd all Dana 153……… u are loved and missed.

Xoxo Busayo

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