an excessive and intense interest in or
enthusiasm for something
While there are several things one can be
addicted to I’d be focusing more on pornography, lust and sexual addictions
and drug and substance addiction as well as alchol addiction.
There are several causes of addictions
however overtime it has been discovered that addiction is usually birthed
out of a need/ desire to cope with undesirable or painful situations or
losses. A lot of people battling addiction today started by using whatever
it is they are addicted to in medicating pains.
There are several signs and symptoms of
addictions here are some of them
1) QUESTIONING: there is a sort of questioning within
one about addiction, most time you’ll find yourself asking questions as t
weather or not you are addicted, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll admit to
it, most times you’ll give yourself answers to help you believe you’re not.
2) DEFENSIVENESS: Do you feel your defenses rise when
people start to talk about whatever it is you are on, you try to give
excuses for “people” who do whatever it is? Most likely there is addiction.
3) TIME CARELESNESS: are you careless with time when
involving in some activities although they are of no value to you, can you
drop important and more pressing needs to perform that one particular
activity, you can give up anything just to do that one activity they could
also put in all their money into whatever it is without thinking about For
instance a person could use the last money on them to buy recharge card to
browse porn and sacrifice feeding for the day.
4) RISK TAKING: are you willing to take risk even if
there are obvious dangers involved to carry out that one particular activity?
For instance you are willing to risk an STD or getting pregnant( as a
female) e.t.c. to have sex with as many people as possible even without
getting paid or you are willing to go through any process to get the
substance without caring about its repercussion.
5) GUILT AND SHAME: after carrying out that particular
activity how do you feel? Do you feel guilty or ashamed, I’m not talking
about ignoring the guilt some have grown to the point of ignoring the
guilt, there is always guilt.
6) WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS : gradual withdrawal comes from
the guilt and shame, one begins to dislike activities they used to like
before, mood related symptoms, temper tantrums, poor focus, feelings of
depression and emptiness, frustration bitterness and resentment.
7) SECRECY AND LIES: addicts are some of the world’s
strongest liars, mostly because they spend time on what they are addicted
to and sometimes this time would have to be accounted for to possibly an
employer or colleagues hence the lies. Also they are very secretive people
because most times addiction is a secret thing.
8) ISOLATION: finally most people who are addicted to
stuff have little or no friends. I like to call this “THE NOBODY LOVES ME
SYNDROME” they do not feel like they are loved. Hence a whole lot of people
who have addiction problems isolate themselves from people they also can’t
have a good/ healthy relationship or marriage.
These are not all of the symptoms there
could be more, but these are the ones I’ve seen and sort of have an
understanding of.
In our next post we’ll be
talking about the steps to freedom, if you’ve observed any of these in
yourself and you want to know how to break free keep it a date with us OBTW
you can drop an email or call 08038044814.
Xoxo Busayo
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