Thursday, March 27, 2014


My dear friend segun of has been doing a series of posts on rape, it has crossed my mind a lot of times but I thought his was enough, until last night, I couldn’t find me any sleep so I decided to see a movie, I stumbled on one, it looked okay so I decided to watch, along the line a girl was raped, and her mother didn’t know until she became pregnant, when she explained all that happened to her mother, to my surprise her mother beat her to stupor and asked “how did you let it happen?” “you didn’t see anything around to hit his head?”. As soon as she said that something crossed my mind, just a word SELF CONTROL to say the least I was deeply hurt and broken as I heard her say that, the poor girl was beaten and thrown out of the house for being raped and getting pregnant.
   For a very long time when the issue of rape is brought attention immediately goes to the issue of how ladies dress and all that, ladies are the victims and are still the ones who end up being victimized, truth is although many times ladies might dress and seem to put themselves up for rape, I want to say that most times this is done not on purpose, no one at least no rational person puts themselves up to be raped, sleeping around is more convenient,  honestly speaking while I believe as ladies we ought to carry ourselves and dress decently men on the other hand ought to have self control, let’s be real, the inability of one to control oneself births a whole lot of other spirits, I mean how do we explain a man raping a 5 years old girl? Excuse me what could she have been exposing? Believe you me even if a woman drapes herself in a blanket men who lack self control would still chase her and rape her so long as the spirit in them is at work. Personally I feel we’ve overlooked the men’s issues when we discuss the issue of rape, it leaves all rape victim feeling like itd their fault they were raped, today I’m not here to point fingers or to determine who is at fault as regards the issue of rape, we can’t really determine that, can we? I’m just here expressing my own view and seeing it from the other side of the gender. Both females and males have a role to play emphasizing the role of one gender leaves the other feeling like there is nothing left for them to do; there is a lot for every gender to do.
  Just a little musing on my part tho. Lemme know your view on the above.

Xoxo Busayo

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