Hello people
trust your day has been going on fine and your week was beautiful, mine has
been amazing my two younger ones just returned from the boarding house
yesterday, I was flipping excited to have them back, especially my baby
brother, it was his first time in a boarding school however by Gods grace he
made it and even came out top of his class, I was definitely so proud of him
and my sister also who had struggled with change of schools but was also on top
of her game in her new school plus Thursday last week was her 13th
birthday I’m also thankful for that.
To todays issue “THE FACT” vs. “THE TRUTH” I’m not an English student in
fact if I’m given a chance I’d murder English, so while the trained English
student would refer to fact and truth as same I see them as totally distinct
while my dictionary defines truth as the face I see truth as overlooking fact,
while fact is defined as something known to be true. My bible tells me that God
is the truth, in your health the fact might be that you’re having pain in your
body, the truth however is that by the
stripes of our lord Jesus we are healed (Isa 53:5) the fact is that you have
lost your partner or a family member and it feels like God does not love you,
the truth is nothing can separate us from the love of God not sin nor trouble
nor tribulations (Rom 8:35-37 ), the fact is that there is an outbreak of an epidemic
and everybody is dying, the truth is “a thousand may fall at my left and right
but no evil shall befall me only with my eyes will I see the reward of the
wicked” the fact is I have committed too many sins for God to love me the truth
is “love covers a multitude of sins” and God is love another truth here is God
says he himself will blot out our transgression and remember our sins no more,
the fact is you joined a cult of your own volition or submitted yourself to the
devil by reasons of your sins the truth is the captives of the mighty shall be
set free and even the lawful captives shall be set free ( Isa 49:24-29), the
fact is you have committed so many abortions now you have no womb the fact is
God is a miracle worker and with him the barren shall be fruitful, the fact is
there is currently not a single money in your wallet and you need a lot of
things the truth is “the lord shall supply all my needs according to his riches
in glory” and many other instances.
The fact is
the physical (the ordinary) the truth is beyond the ordinary the truth is a
different realm from the ordinary the truth is the supernatural, the truth is
the fourth dimension in this 3 dimensional world, the truth is the higher
realm. The only way to see above the ordinary is through Christ, without Christ
we can never experience the truth we can’t even sense the truth and if you can’t
sense it you can’t have it, until we have Christ we’ll go through life based on
the facts and we won’t experience joy just happiness based on the facts
surrounding us, while if we have Christ we can see the supernatural we’ll have
Joy not moved or in the least disturbed by the facts surrounding. I urge you
all today who know Christ to go through
the word(the bible) and get truth for our situations and circumstances and to
those who don’t know Christ you’re just a step away from the truth Just ask him
into your life and you’ll experience the joy of Christ. Have a beautiful Sunday
everyone and an abundance of God’s blessings through the week.
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