Friday, May 15, 2015


   It’s been so long and I’m totally sorry about that I’ve been through a bit of a rough time lately and its I didn’t even have so much time to come by, but enough of my excuses, hope you all are doing great? May God keep us all and cause his face to shine upon us always.
  Everyone of us at some point or even up till now have those individuals in our lives that we feel are more spiritual than we are, or for some reason we think God listens to them more than he does us so when things are tough for us or when we have a little problem we run to them to have them pray for us, we call them and tell them all that is wrong with us and leave it at that, I had no idea how wrong this was until I got some insight to this it’s not wrong to have someone pray with you its silly to have people pray for you. Now here’s the twist people praying for you is someone praying for you while you do nothing for you, while someone praying with you is someone praying for you while you also pray for yourself, I mean just look at it; why should I go to the created to pray for me when I can simply go to the CREATOR of the created to fix me? Why do I ask humans to go to war (pray) for me when I can call on the almighty to go to war for me? I don’t know about you but I find that silly.
   Just yesterday I looked up the story of David and Bathsheba; if you go through the book of 2 Sam 11 in verse 1 you’ll realize that it was time when kings go to war but David sent Joab to go to war for him and while he stayed home he strolled and Bathsheba happened!!!! Now many time when we do not go to war ourselves and send out people we could fall into error easily not because we are weak but because we would be at the wrong place at that time, when we do not pray for ourselves by ourselves there is the possibility to spend the time that should have be spent praying on things that would ultimately cause us more trouble.
I don’t really have much to say but I have this to say; the reason you feel God listens to some people is because they have built their relationship with him to that level, you can do that too. If you love someone you spend time with them, you talk with them, you sometimes spend your money on them, that’s how it works with God too, stay with him, love grows with knowledge (read his word and learn of him), give to God many people don’t like this point we want to have God without giving to the lord (like you can go to silver bird with a babe you’re toasting and not buy pop corn). And it’s about time we stop having people fast for us while we sit in KFC and order Jollof rice and roasted chicken, it’s time we started to battle on our own.

1 comment:

  1. Hope all is Well! Keep Praying and know Jesus and the Holy Sprit Pray for us too. God knew your situation before your Great, Great, Great Grand Parents were ever born! When you Keep the Faith you are Helping yourself and Pleasing God and He Loves you more than any of us can Imagine ...

    Have a Wonderful Day! :)
