I’ve written on faith and being personal I’ve shared on how I left my inhaler at the altar hoping for healing and came down with an attack that almost claimed my life a few hours after dropping my inhaler. I’m always amazed when people say its lack of faith that makes me keep an inhaler in my purse but not just that, it’s funny how people get all preachy with me when they find out I’m asthmatic, It’s a struggle to keep mute and listen to them and not scream out at them “I’m a Christian, maybe I have a condition but it’s not my portion”.
Last year I had the most embarrassing experience, I had attacks twice in a row back to back and there was this particular guy who happened to see me every time I was admitted, a few weeks later I was discharged I met this guy somewhere and he was with company oh well I stopped by to say hello, while I was with him he teased a little about my health and the person with him heard and like that ohh myyyyyyyy things just got spiritual, I had to stand there and take sermon about how he hasn’t been ill before how I didn’t have faith, plenty things about drugs and all….. Time and again in the little time I’ve spent with my health condition I’ve tried to get people to understand this, taking drugs, sticking to certain guidelines doesn’t mean you don’t have faith, in some ways deciding to take pills shows you have faith enough to put up a fight against whatever infirmity that tries to take a hold of you and wait to see what the lord has planned. Don’t get me wrong I believe in divine healing, and I know it is possible to be healed without drugs, but has it ever occurred to you that God has plans for us, good plans to be precise, but the plans he has for us is individual, even though he refers to us as one, meaning someone else getting healed without drugs doesn’t mean it’s going to be same for others, until we understand this, until we consult the lord and know his plans for us we’ll just spend our lives trying to fit into Gods plans for others.. What am I saying in essence? if you have issues, maybe health troubles, maybe you’re battling depression whatever it is, don’t even allow anyone make you feel any less of a Christian for seeking professional help. I like to believe doctors in some ways are an answer to our prayers. I know God is the healer however I also know he uses doctors too. If I’ll be honest I’d love it if I’m healed just by God but then again if he desires I go through the doctors I know he’s got me, I know his plans for me are good so I have no fear. People think Christians shouldn’t battle hard times or dark times and if they come its lack of faith, sin or inadequate prayers that’s the cause.. I wonder how may Christians are battling little issue that simple medications, simple dietry adjustment can handle or the number who have died without reasons.
The main issue we need to understand is this; our faith can help us through the valley, but it doesn’t always give us a way around the valley.. Sometimes in addition to faith action is needed.
Last year I had the most embarrassing experience, I had attacks twice in a row back to back and there was this particular guy who happened to see me every time I was admitted, a few weeks later I was discharged I met this guy somewhere and he was with company oh well I stopped by to say hello, while I was with him he teased a little about my health and the person with him heard and like that ohh myyyyyyyy things just got spiritual, I had to stand there and take sermon about how he hasn’t been ill before how I didn’t have faith, plenty things about drugs and all….. Time and again in the little time I’ve spent with my health condition I’ve tried to get people to understand this, taking drugs, sticking to certain guidelines doesn’t mean you don’t have faith, in some ways deciding to take pills shows you have faith enough to put up a fight against whatever infirmity that tries to take a hold of you and wait to see what the lord has planned. Don’t get me wrong I believe in divine healing, and I know it is possible to be healed without drugs, but has it ever occurred to you that God has plans for us, good plans to be precise, but the plans he has for us is individual, even though he refers to us as one, meaning someone else getting healed without drugs doesn’t mean it’s going to be same for others, until we understand this, until we consult the lord and know his plans for us we’ll just spend our lives trying to fit into Gods plans for others.. What am I saying in essence? if you have issues, maybe health troubles, maybe you’re battling depression whatever it is, don’t even allow anyone make you feel any less of a Christian for seeking professional help. I like to believe doctors in some ways are an answer to our prayers. I know God is the healer however I also know he uses doctors too. If I’ll be honest I’d love it if I’m healed just by God but then again if he desires I go through the doctors I know he’s got me, I know his plans for me are good so I have no fear. People think Christians shouldn’t battle hard times or dark times and if they come its lack of faith, sin or inadequate prayers that’s the cause.. I wonder how may Christians are battling little issue that simple medications, simple dietry adjustment can handle or the number who have died without reasons.
The main issue we need to understand is this; our faith can help us through the valley, but it doesn’t always give us a way around the valley.. Sometimes in addition to faith action is needed.
Meshelle, you're so Right! God uses doctors as a surgeon uses a scalpel, as mentioned earlier we are directed to seek a physician when sick!
ReplyDeleteThis post reminds me of a story you probably herd it ...
A flood is forecasted and occurring. As the water begins to rise into his home a guy in a boat stops and offers to take him to dry ground. The man says "No! I have faith and prayed to God, He will rescue me!"
Later the water is up to the second floor and another man in a boat comes by and asks him to get into the boat and he will take him to safety! He man replied "No I have faith I prayed to God to save me, I'll be okay!"
Now the water is up to the roof, setting on the roof a third man in a boat comes by. He said I'm here to rescue you! Again the man explains "No I have faith, I prayed to God and He will save me"
After he drowns and reaches Heaven he asked "God why did you forsake me? God calmly explains to him "I did not forsake you, I sent 3 boats to save you" Then God asks "What more did you expect? "
Moral we must have Faith, but remember God works in ways that are Mysterious to us to provide for our every need!
We only have One Judge! Often enough people, including Christians forget this!
Keep the Faith Meshele! Those that question your Faith are Wrong!
If they were in your position they would be more supportive and Compassionate! Hopefully they never need to be Hospitalized or need to take Medications! But if and when they do ... lets Pray they get into the boat like you or ... they may end up like the man that refused to jump in any three of those boats!
Hypotheticals are garbage! No matter what we think we would do, we can Never know what we will do until we are actually in the situation!
My words aren't as Eloquent as yours my Beautiful Sweet Sister, but I feel you! :)
Keep the Faith! Let them judge! If they only knew how Hurtful and Unhelpful their actions are ... God please Bless them to open their eyes and Hearts to Comfort my Sister. Amen.
Love you, Meshele! Be Positive and Rest knowing you are the Loving and Beautiful Hands of our Heavenly Father Always! :D
Thanks a lot cherry... I love you.. Ur comments always bless my heart.. Thanks a lot for your love and support... My heart blesses you..
Deletehmmmm...whenever i read your post, i just meditate more on God's words, i know faith without works is dead faith, y does anyone have faith that he will pass an exam and still goes ahead to read? dats work,so even if u believe, u still have to make conscious effort towards you believe, i feel God is the healer but then he can't do it all alone so he authorized his disciples in the bible and then doctors on earth*my thuoughts doh*
ReplyDeleteAwww I bless God for you.. Plus thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts i honestly totally agree with you... Our faith won't give us a way around the valley our works would... Faith would only get us through.. Xx thanks a lot for sharing.