I was in church one Tuesday afternoon for a special service, during the service the pastor told a story of how a woman was ill for several years and one day she was prayed for and she dropped all her drugs at the altar and she was healed instantly. And her royal copycat (ME) heard the testimony and decided to 'follow the ladder' to the miraculous so when the service was over I stayed back a few minutes and there on my seat mumbled a few lines or something the seemed like a prayer, Then I got up did the right ‘spiritual’ pose ensured there was tears in my eyes to add more effect, and walked to the front of the church, (covers face in shame lol) I knelt by the altar like the woman with the issue of blood I brought out my two inhalers and dropped them by the altar assumed I was healed and I went home and started doing over do, I did everything an asthmatic patient shouldn’t do lmao in this Busayo’s mind she was a woman of faith! Oh how stupid I must have seemed, Jesus must have had a filled day watching my drama, well as you expect less than 2 hours after I got home I had an attack and I almost lost my life, I had four crazy attack episodes right after the other within less than 24 hours and I was still forming faith there, I didn't know how it worked but I just assumed maybe if I didn't use the inhaler God will heal me himself but I didn't believe he would, well thank God for Jesus in the end my specialist was called upon and he said to tell me to use my seretide inhaler, my dad got me a new one and one puff was all it took and I was relaxed. Lmaooo may copy copy not send me and you to our untimely graves in Jesus name.
It took that experience and plenty other stupid ones for me to realize that faith and copy copy are totally two different things, some people wonder why something's do not work for them while it works for others, it’s not because you are of lesser faith its because God works in us differently for his glory, some of the things some of we do in the name of faith thinking we are spiritual is just plain copy copy, I mean Shola fasted 10 days and God answered her I'll now decide to do 20 days and when I don’t see any manifestation I'd now start quoting Ecclesiastes 3, “there is time for everything” nigga God might want to speak to me while I'm are eating and until I sit to eat he wouldn’t say nothing so if I like i can increase my fast to 50 days I'll only be wasting my time. i mean that something works for one person doesn’t make it a law, abi was it only the woman with the issue of blood that touched Jesus’ cloth that day? They were plenty but she got the blessing I’m sure some others must have started to touch the cloth too to see what will happen lol, faith isn’t trial, faith is belief, it’s not she did it maybe I should try, its God said it and I believe it. Now how do you get the faith that is not borne out of copy copy, tarry with God let him tel you what to do per time and for your own situation and its that simple. Faith is God teaching you how to receive from him, God would give you a method that would give you the blessing you need at the time, until you can do this may of us will just be copying other peoples ways and be frustrated when it doesn’t seem to be working and we’ll start saying yeye things like maybe the person was even lying……….. Faith is more of personal than popular
It took that experience and plenty other stupid ones for me to realize that faith and copy copy are totally two different things, some people wonder why something's do not work for them while it works for others, it’s not because you are of lesser faith its because God works in us differently for his glory, some of the things some of we do in the name of faith thinking we are spiritual is just plain copy copy, I mean Shola fasted 10 days and God answered her I'll now decide to do 20 days and when I don’t see any manifestation I'd now start quoting Ecclesiastes 3, “there is time for everything” nigga God might want to speak to me while I'm are eating and until I sit to eat he wouldn’t say nothing so if I like i can increase my fast to 50 days I'll only be wasting my time. i mean that something works for one person doesn’t make it a law, abi was it only the woman with the issue of blood that touched Jesus’ cloth that day? They were plenty but she got the blessing I’m sure some others must have started to touch the cloth too to see what will happen lol, faith isn’t trial, faith is belief, it’s not she did it maybe I should try, its God said it and I believe it. Now how do you get the faith that is not borne out of copy copy, tarry with God let him tel you what to do per time and for your own situation and its that simple. Faith is God teaching you how to receive from him, God would give you a method that would give you the blessing you need at the time, until you can do this may of us will just be copying other peoples ways and be frustrated when it doesn’t seem to be working and we’ll start saying yeye things like maybe the person was even lying……….. Faith is more of personal than popular
...You are so right my sister! Faith is personal! Good one..well done..