Monday, September 8, 2014


Sometime last month I returned from class really thirsty, I didn’t care to look around me for water i immediately asked my roommate if she had any water, she said she didn’t, I checked my purse and realised I didn’t have any money in it, I tried to remember what I did with the last money I had in there couldn’t remember so I had to  borrow money from my roommate to buy water, I went to get water lo and behold the room where they sold water was locked, I was too thirsty to wait for these who sold stuff there to return so I started the journey in search of water I went two block ahead i couldn’t get, I came back and went two blocks behind my block and I didn’t get either I returned to my room a little sad but mostly frustrated! On getting to my room I lay on my bed almost depressed and let my eyes wander on its own accord somehow I strayed to my table and on it were three sachets of water,  smh I can’t even describe the pain I felt in that moment! First I became a beggar I had to beg for 10 naira, after the begging I became a wanderer like Cain; all because I needed the water I already had in excess. How pathetic!
   It’s not limited to just me it’s how a whole lot of us are, I’m just the sacrificial lamb sharing my story. Last year I did the Dear Boaz series on the blog (if you’ve not read that you should totally check the archives), the last piece I did there was the story of how the writer eventually met her partner, he turned out to be someone she’d been really close to someone she’d shared her most confidential stuff with, someone who’d even set her up on dates and hooked her up with guys. Its how a lot of us really are, we realise or feel like we need something we fail to look around us, we fail to see those things inside us we’re up and quick to go out, to search, to hustle, and stuff. Worse is we come back frustrated, depressed, unfulfilled and unsatisfied fact is we can never be. I’m not sure what it is for you that you’ve been looking out for some singles its possibly a partner and you’ve been looking all out but your partner could be that person you’re so yourself with the one you gist and gossip with about everything, your work buddy, the person next door and you’re busy travelling all over west Africa to attend every wedding and party hoping he’ll be there (take it easy oh! Ebola is real lol oh and not every close friend/neighbour is your potential partner you friend zone worse still brother/sister zone oh! Hold  me for what i wrote and not what you understand :D)  for some of us its stuff we really want to do and we feel we need money so we’re out looking for who’s just gon come drop a million dollar at you feet. Really!
       My bible tells me that God has given to me all I need for life and Godliness, what this means to me is every single thing I need to live, to live right, to enjoy life, to achieve my dreams, to succeed, to be happy and to be godly has been made available and in locked up in me by God all I need do is look inside of me, there’s something in me if I use would give me all the money I need to live, there’s people around me I need in my life but I’m too busy looking out for a knight in shining armour (who puts on a shinning amour sef) and if I don’t look closely I’d pass up on everything  I need just cos I’m too busy looking out. Just before you look how ‘bout you look in.
                                                                                                                                                            Lots of love
                                                                                                                                                        Busayo Kehinde

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