Thursday, April 10, 2014


Several times we fail to understand the power of a healed mind that is  why we fail to heal often times we do not heal because it’s just too difficult to heal, because healing would involve us going back and opening issues we’ve so forced our mind to forget we fail to realize that we never forget itt always comes back, even if it’s after years of acting like not ever happened not allowing ourselves to heal is like putting a bandage on a wound that needs surgery. Hurt we so desperately want to forget could birth addictions that’s why several people would break free from one addiction only to get into another some break free from pornography only to retort to masturbation, some leave drugs for sexual promiscuity some go into more secret ones like fantasy and lust.
  We need to heal from all our hurts possibly you've been abused as a child you were possibly molested sexually by a family member or someone who wasn't even close to your family, or you were emotionally abused as a child, emotional abuse involves verbal abuse by people as well as violence, several times you might have just been a witness to violence, several things in life could hurt us, the death of a loved one possibly ones parent or sibling or someone you loved could totally cause one pain. And if one does not heal addiction cannot totally be broken because we’ll need something to medicate the pain we feel.
   Healing is one of the hardest things to do, healing involves grieving over whatever it is that was lost, also healing involves forgiveness and even making peace with those who have hurt one. I think forgiveness is the hardest part of healing its like removing a part of you heart, its altering the shape of your heart, its like teaching a person who has grown up all their life doing something a particular way to start doing it differently, no matter how easier the other way might be, its always hard for the person to adjust. But after a while they’ll adjust. You’ll need to forgive now not for the other persons benefit but for your own self. You’ll need Gods grace to forgive and finally occasionally therapy would be necessary. If the need be get a qualified therapist to talk with you. 
xoxo Busayo 

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