Sunday, November 10, 2013

DEAR BOAZ: CLINGY MUCH? Hey people its been a while, i do hope you all are well and in good health, may the grace of my God continually be there to keep and guide us all. Also to all those who have continued to encourage me and support my blog i'm grateful its because of you and God i still write stuff on here, thanks a lot. This is actually supposed to be fridays post but school has been tedious, so i haven't had time to write anything, however they say its better late than never so i guess thats it. Hope you enjoy this piece. Kolade and i dated for quite 2 months before he decided to call it quits, his reason being that i was too clingy. Honestly while we dated i didnt see it as being clingy its was just that i loved him and was proud of him so i felt the need to always be around him, while we dated i saw kolade as the salt of my life like without kolade my life was empty and tasteless but now i've discovered that he was just supposed to add colour to an already beautiful life, Kolade was the number 1 in my life which was just totally wrong the no 1 was and is supposed 2 be for God and nothing or anybody else, but for Kolade it was different i could put God on hold for a conversation with kolade, i stopped hanging out with my girlfriends and was always with Kolade, i escused myself from family sunday lunch because kolade was free and i could not afford to miss a chance to be with Kolade, the height of it was that i asked questions about any girl i saw with him or arround him(over do abi?) now to me that was protecting my own interest, i would spend weekends at his place arranging and cleaning his place and preparing his meals, i even hung potraits of myself on his wall whenever his friends came they'd call me "our wife" and i'd be very glad and cook for them all, i was so sure he was my Boaz since his friends "liked" me (if i had known what his friends thought of me i'd have poisoned their meals when i cooked mtcheww) i even started going out with his friends and himself, i didnt mind if there was going to be nothing for me to do there, i'd just sit alone and watch them have fun. The height of it was when i followed them for an all guys weekend trip, one of the nights they went to a club and people were smoking everywhere now i'm asthmatic and very allegic to smoke however i just had to me near my man so i stayed until i had an attack and had to be rushed out of the place, i guess my attack ruined their trip as the guys had an arguement that night and in the end kolade and i left without the others, when we returned kolade and i had a little arguement, so i decided to be a little scarce, however i could not i missed him too much, he was my "oxygen" in less than a day i was already calling him and apologising he said it was okay and asked if i could be a little scarce i agreed, but i kept on calling him infact i'll call him up to 10 times a day just to hear his voice, to be sure he was fine, becaused i missed him, if he changed his dp i'd ask questions about where and where he took the pictures and who he was with, until one friday i called him and heard a female voice in the background and off i went to his office there was no lady on sit and for some reasons i can't fathom i started searching under his table for the chic i guess that provoked him as he suddenly started shouting at me telling me i was too clingy and acting like i didn't have a life, and about how all his friends were now referring to him as "the man with the wife" and finally he told me he was done. Immediatley he told me he was done i ran to my car and for the next 10 minutes i couldn't start the car as i was crying and shaking, i had just joined the league of single ladies once again, when i could finally muster enough strenght to drive i started to go but on my way i got so distracted and frustrated i almost had an accident at that point i just parked my car and let out a frustrated scream "Boaz how many times would i be rejected before you would come out abi do you want me to join the convent ni?". Dear single ladies we can be loving without been to clingy or around all the time, now its not wrong to be there for your partner all the time but while you do this try not to appear insecure or idle to the point of being is un needed PA, most especially when u're not yet married, also don't make anyone number 1 in your life not even your partner that is the God spot and let it remain so, furthermore that you're in a relationship should not be a reason why you should stop being friends with people once in a while still hang out with people like you(same sex) its actually beneficial, same for the single guys (infact a clingy guy is just a sad idea). Finally bear in mind that being single is not a disease but a time to build yourself up physically, spiritually, emotionally and otherwise and a great time to build self esteem and independence as well. Hope you all enjoyed and learnt from this piece.

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