Sunday, October 26, 2014


 A story is told of a pastor who traveled somewhere for a conference, on one night when he returned to his hotel room he called for black tea, the waitress returned with a cup of tea, but on close observation he found out that it was actually green tea and not black tea, he called the waitress and told her, but to his surprise she continued to argue with him saying it was black tea, after a while she decided to bring the pack she took the tea from, when she brought the pack it was apparently a black tea pack, but when the teabags were carefully examined it was actually green tea. Apparently someone had opened a larger pack of green tea and put some of it in an empty pack of black tea.
    My question today is as a Christian are you actually black tea in a black tea carton or are you green tea in a black tea packet? Let me break it down a little, the hot water in the story above can be likened to trials in our lives yeah, after all the Sunday services, mid week services, bible study, crusade's, praying in tongues and evangelism three times a week during the good times who are you during your trying periods? Are you still that fervent Christian person? Or do you get mad at God and stay home from anything that has to do with him? Your dedication and love for God shouldn't be tied to situations, if anything should be constant in your life, it should be God. You could call yourself a Christian for all you are, the true test and proof of your Christianity is your reaction when you're thrown in hot water. Someone once said "while you're waiting for the storm to pass learn to dance in the rain" the ones who can do this are the original black tea, the ones who can still lift up their hands to heaven and say"I love you forever lord" when all of life is against them, yeah! They are the original "black tea"
Remember the true flavor of a tea bag is not gotten unless it is thrown into hot water. I guess it's what the book of proverbs meant when it said"if you faint in the time of adversity then your strength is small"
Busayo kehinde

Monday, October 20, 2014

I'm waiting for that man

I'm waiting for that man
I'm waiting for you
I'm writing to you
I'm writing of you
I'm thinking of you
The thought of you makes every ounce of waiting worth it..
I know you'll be mine
I know you'll care when i can't
I know you'll love when I'm most unlovable
I know you'll share in my dreams
I know you'll understand my silence
I know you'll love my every breath like its yours
I know you'll interpret my very heartbeat
You'll see me when i can't see me
You'll remind me of Jesus
You'll hold my hand and travel with me through my worse days
You'll be my bestest dream come true
You'll be my answered prayers
You'll be a part of my forever
With you I'd drop all my weapons
I promise i won't socialise
I wouldn't communicate
I wouldn't interact
With second hand copies of you while i wait.
While I wait, I'd pray, I'd watch, I'd grow
I'd gimme to God
I'd write about you
And I'd write to you.
Eyiwumi!!! My hearts gon scream when I see you.
I'd know when I see you 'cos like Elizabeth's baby leaped for joy at the greeting of Mary, so my heart's gon leap when I see you.
And I'd know cos you'll complete me
The wait is easy for me,
Cos I know what I'm waiting for
I'm waiting for that man
I'm waiting for that man who God was thinking of when he made me
I'm waiting for that man who'll be my forever and ever
I'm waiting for that man!!!
The answered prayer!
Eyiwumi, Eyitomi, Temi!
My one my only, my forever

Sunday, October 12, 2014


We gathered at this day doom a home to varying social activities and the likes.
I get a seat near to the stage. Ripped jeans, long hair, rock stars… light, camera, action… the band plays, they rock. The man in front of me raises his hands up in the air all in surrender … we are gathered together in no other name… Jesus! While Tye Tribbet leads us in worship and praise to the king. The venue doesn’t make it a ‘heathen’ gathering, the man in front of me is not turned away, he’s raising his hands in worship. The men and ladies on the stage in ripped jeans are not judged, they are singing and stirring up an incense of worship so great, you feel the presence of God, its not how well or appealing the music is its not about how loud or low the music is, its not in the ripped jeans or skinny jeans, its not in the long hair
"we can't get the voice if we simply listen to the noise in the market place"
Its about the call of salvation and the number of people who surrender after each message to the name of Jesus, those who come eagerly to the place where they drop their strong will with open hearts for him to fill it in and take over…. It’s church in the wild! And the crazies are running in. Its sad what the critics are seeing daily, they see the ripped jeans on the stage but they fail to see the ripped hearts being healed by the love of God emanating from the singer in ripped jeans, the critics see the preacher with the Jerry curls the don't even get to hear the word of truth that's coming from the mouth of the preacher. The preacher has studs on! So what? The stud doesn't reduce his anointing. They don't see the lives that are being transformed all they see is the man. They fail to see the hearts that are hurting that receive healing by the word, they are so consumed by traditional way we started out Christianity.
 I'm reading Matthew 8: 28-34 it says;
"They landed in the country of the Gadarenes and were met by two madmen, victims of demons, coming out of the cemetery. The men had terrorized the region for so long that no one considered it safe to walk down that stretch of road anymore. Seeing Jesus, the madmen screamed out, “What business do you have giving us a hard time? You’re the Son of God! You weren’t supposed to show up here yet!” Off in the distance a herd of pigs was browsing and rooting. The evil spirits begged Jesus, “If you kick us out of these men, let us live in the pigs.”
Jesus said, “Go ahead, but get out of here!” Crazed, the pigs stampeded over a cliff into the sea and drowned. Scared to death, the swineherds bolted. They told everyone back in town what had happened to the madmen and the pigs. Those who heard about it were angry about THE DROWNED PIGS. A mob formed and demanded that Jesus get out and not come back"
Can you even imagine? Jesus healed the mad men and all the people  concerned themselves with were the drowned pigs.
  Its a practical picture of how we are, We’re so blinded by picking out faults that we refuse to see the glory, and the name of Jesus being lifted. We’re all so worried about the pigs; we’re not looking at the glory that came before the pigs drowned. Every one of us stands guilty of this in some ways the radicals and the religious alike, our priority is what a man looks like and what he's giving out. Remember scripture when Jesus was performing miracles some came and asked if he wasn't the son of the carpenter.
I've sat through services where I do not agree totally with all the preacher is saying and turned my mind away from the glory of God to the drowned pigs(looks) and everytime testimonies arise from such services I keep wondering where I was through the service. Don’t being so concerned and angry about the pigs(outer appearance) that you drive Jesus out. Let the pigs drown, having Christ in your midst is worth more than the lost pigs that get you angry.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


There is so much in life that sometimes I basically conclude that all of life is scary, I mean death is scary, as much as change is constant change is scary, I mean I think change is one thing that scares me most. isn't amazing how all of life just changes in a matter of minutes, how one phone call, one medical report, one wrong turn on the road and all of life changes. How three days ago she was a married woman with four kids and today she's a widow with just a child, how yesterday you had five siblings and today you've got just three, how you suddenly go from being the one the whole family depended upon to begin the one depending on others because of a disability or something, its scary its hurtful, its threatening.
 As a matter of fact I recently transitioned from being the healthy child in my family to being the only unhealthy one, there is nothing as scary as long late night trips to emergency rooms of various hospitals time and again, having doctors who look like the only thing they can do is put on heels and hold iPad and chew gum prick my veins. You have no idea how is almost kills me when I have to beg people to help me do things I normally would do myself without wasting any time but can't do again because of my health. The uncertainty of life scares me, the idea that tomorrow is not even guaranteed, the idea that those I love would leave me either by choice, compulsion, or even death, all of these is scary.
  But in the midst of all these there is only one thing that is most scary; its going through this life all alone, its going through your challenges alone, its going all out without Christ. I mean with Christ we know that even if everyone would leave JESUS STAYS, that even if you don't see tomorrow you'll be spending forever in heaven with JESUS, that even if your health fails you can count on Gods strength, that God's always got you, and most of all with Christ we have hope that his faithfulness is great and no matter how dark the night might be his JOY COMES IN THE MORNING. We live in an uncertain world and its all scary in there, but death isn't the scariest thing, change isn't it either, the scariest thing is going through life without God, no matter how much you let go of in life don't ever let go of Christ and don't even let God have a reason to let go of you, do all you can to keep you and God cool like that, cos if u ever loose him then you'll be the biggest looser and you'll face the scariest thing in life.            Love Busayo

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I remember when i was in primary 2, there were several boys in my class but the one who stood out among them was a boy named Nnamdi, i was one of the smallest boys in my class and really he was the best looking,  but he didn’t stand out for any of these reasons, he stood out because he was always with girls, he wasn’t just always with girls he acted like a girl, while the boys in class went out to play football during break Nnamdi would rather stay with the girls and play “ten-ten”, he was the only boy who would cry when boys were being canned at school, he walked like a girl, to most of us he was a girl like any one of us and there was nothing wrong in that, but then we got into secondary school  and realised that it wasn’t normal for a boy to be like Nnamdi, in school people refered to him with words like “fag” “gay” “homo” and the likes, i hurt for Nnamdi, he was bullied and mistreated by every male, but i knew he had a good heart and he really was trying to be like other males, but he just seemed to fail. Nnamdi has decided to take it that he was born this way and live with it but recently he got into trouble at school and was expelled for the singular reason of being gay.
   Putting this story together was a little uncomfortable for me i know I’m treading a dangerous path writing about such a a controversial issue, the aim of this particular piece is not to criticize or condemn the homosexuals, its scarcely even about homosexuality. It’s a random piece I only decide to put that story together because that’s where the phrase I’m trying to address is often used. 
    We sin we do the wrong and we just simply say to ourselves “I was born this way” and that phrase is basically what I’m trying to address by this piece. When we talk about how we were born, fact is we all are born with a natural bend towards sin; scripture says “in iniquity did my mother conceive me” it means before we were born sin was already implanted in us, we have sin in us by default, and that is the reason we’ve got Jesus, if sin was something we had to learn when we were older then we wouldn’t need Jesus’ blood really cause we would need to chose to sin, so we all are born bent towards sin. But being born in a way doesn’t mean you have to live exactly that way. Take for instance sickle cell patients or even those born with asthma if they decide to say they were born that way and do nothing to help and manage and improve their condition what sense would that make? So is it with sin we born that way but like the sickle cell who have got to take routine drugs and shots so do we. We need routine shots of God’s word; we need daily doses of Jesus. We need to struggle even when it doesn’t seem to make any sense, we’re not suppose to give up fighting sin and say “I was born this way” I don’t care what sin you struggle with, pride, hate, lying, stealing, whatever it is. See God loves every one of us whatever our struggle is. He knows life is is hard for us and that’s why we have his promise that he’ll always be with us and nothing can separate us from his love Not even our sin. We might struggle with whatever it is all our lives but the point is we have to keep fighting like we battle for our lives, funny thing is scripture tells the end from the beginning and it says God has overcome and we are like God in this world, so it means you have overcome too, basically it means no matter how long we have to battle we wouldn’t have to battle forever, know why? Jesus has won the victory over sin on the cross, so I’m victorious no matter what I look like today!
  Finally someone once said “we had no control over how we were born, we can’t choose how we were born, but we can choose how we would live” so yeah I was born THAT way, but I choose to live HIS way!
Lots of love

Friday, October 3, 2014


Hi guys this piece was written long ago and i titled it randomness 'cos i had no idea what to call it. The new title came this morning, i was doing my laundry while Britt Nicole's music was playing on my phone, and then the song "the lost get found" started playing, and it was like i was listening to this piece only this time it was in the form of a song.  I hope u're blessed.
True story! The first time I ever wrote anything it wasn’t because I thought I was smart or I felt I was gifted or something it was because I felt like a misfit, the devil had me believe life wasn’t how if expected it to be because I was evil, the society and the whole world at large didn’t have a place for me because I was not the sort of person the world needed, that maybe even God has his regrets for creating me maybe God even created me when his imagination was running in the overdo mode, I believed the only place misfits like me existed were in the movies(yeah Divergent) and the books, so for me writing was my own way of writing out my existence, but in the past one year my writing has turned out to be one of the greatest things in my life and beyond being my best thing it’s been my source of freedom, and more than my being free its set others free. I started blogging because i needed a place in society if I’m the only misfit I’d write stuff people would love and gradually I’d fit into the crowd. If you’ll go through the blog you’ll notice something I started out with the popular things ‘’stories about love and relationship and the like’’(yeah because that’s what excites the average youth)  But something happened when I  let Jesus take the wheel and use the blog for his own glory, I realized I wasn’t a misfit in anyway, and there were several like myself who needed freeing but they needed one who  was willing to stand up, and I did, I had no idea what  I had done until I started to get DM’s, mails, messages on FB, sms and the likes from people I didn’t know and those I knew, when I started to write about my own experiences I was scared to death I pictured how people who knew me and knew my background would react I almost stopped at a point but I think I’ve gotten more support from them than i ever expected. Know what I’ve learnt in the long run? The devil is a liar, the one who gives us a false impression, he’ll have us believe the lie about ourselves because that’s what he is the deceiver, and if we’ll allow him he’ll set us on our back and oppress us cos yes he’s the oppressor and if we let him he’ll take us for a ride and even ride on us (cos he’s mean like that). Something else i realised and i want you to take note of is this; once in a while we all need a lie of the devil to launch us into greatness, we need his lie to annoy you, to push you into your biggest days, I’m where i am today because i heard the lie, bought the lie, i believed the lie, i lived the lie for a while and THE MAN UP THERE freed me and because of that others are going to be free and many others would find liberty each time they see what he has accomplished in me! But the only way we can be pushed into our bestest days is if we allow HIM (JESUS) take the wheel! Furthermore for every struggle in our lives something new is being accomplished in our character and in our spirit, the pain is at its peak when the child is about to be born so push in your spirit and let the glory be brought forth.
  Finally 2 Corinthians 1:4 says “He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us”. Somehow i feel this scripture has gotall the answers we could ever ask as to why we see hard situations its so someone else can be healed through you. So would you pls be fast and let the healing begin, the whole world is waiting in pains as of child for you to begin manifesting. The lost would only get found when we stop being timid and decide to stand out.
Ps: you can contact me via email at or bbm 79102A1B
                                                                                                                             Lots of love and prayers
                                                                                                                                 Busayo Kehinde
Ps: ya'll go check out the song I spoke about.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I’m going through a really difficult season in my life right now, if i had a chance I’d run away from all of it, in about a week my friend would be leaving school, much as I’m happy she’s moving up, I’m hurt, I’m scared, she’s been the only one for the whole year, we have so many good times, more she has so much in common with me, i guess it’s another reason we’re really close. It feels like God doesn’t even make any sense else why would he even allow my friend go away. However recently i learnt the greatest lesson of all and it’s what I’d be sharing today.
One way or the other people are always leaving, always growing always moving on, life changes, people come in and go out of our lives, nothing stays the same, good times come so do the bad times come, bad times don’t last neither do the good, and through death, decision or even situations everyone we know will someday leave us. The only one that will be constant in our lives is Christ. Because we have him in our hearts and because Jesus stays we have the strength and the confidence to love with all our hearts even when we are unsure of what tomorrow brings, since we know we always have him.
People would love, people would care people would even try to stick around, but in the end i guess there’s only so much human can put up with and when they get that so much only Jesus will still stick, he’s the only one we’ve got who can put up with us, the only friend who wouldn’t have to change schools, leave the country, graduate and leave us behind, move a thousand miles away. When the wig drops, when all the chips are down, when our health starts to fail us, when everyone we know seems turned against us, when those who are not against us are too busy to care, when the night draws and everyone returns to their homes, when all is said and done, when the giants are falling apart and everyone deserts them only Jesus stays. Pardon my blabbing, pardon my long story the only message, the only theme and the only purpose of this write up is to pass one basic truth across JESUS STAYS.
Ps: you can contact me via email at or bbm 79102A1B
                                        Lots of love
                                     Busayo Kehinde